chapter 15 - the adventures of tessa and klee

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I stood in front of Jean's office at the Favonius Headquarters

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I stood in front of Jean's office at the Favonius Headquarters. I let out a big sigh and knocked on the door two times.

"Come in" I heard her soft voice from inside. I entered her office, she sat behind her table, she seemed busy with writing something.

Jean looked up to check who needed for her.

"Hello Jean" I greeted her with a small smile.

"Oh, hello Tessa, how can I help you?" she smiled back, putting down her quill.

"I... came with not personal matters" I started. "I wish to ask permission to borrow the Spark Knight for a while"

"Oh, you're leaving Mondstadt?" she raised an eyebrow. "It's... quite sudden"

The plan already formed in my head last night, at the closing party of Weinlesefest. I had a chat with Jean last night, but I haven't mentioned my plans yet.

"I received a small research task from the Akademiya" I lied. "And I don't want to leave Klee alone again, I feel like she can use some field training"

"That's a great idea" she gave me a reassuring smile. She opened a drawer in her desk. "How long will you two stay away?" she asked.

"I am not sure yet" I shrugged. "We might return for Christmas, or sooner"

Jean just nodded and pulled a piece of paper out of the drawer.

"This is the form for requesting a knight to temporarily stay away from their duties. As Klee is a minor, it is a task of a family member to fill it. You have to enter the starting date, expected return date, reason, etc. And you can sign it on the bottom" she gave me the form and a quill. I took the paper and started filling out the form. Once I finished I handed it to Jean, who signed it.

"Permission granted" she smiled softly. "Have a safe journey, and, this time don't forget to send letters"

I gave her a closed-eyed smile. "Thank you Jean, I'll try"

I left her office and closed the huge, heavy door behind me.

"Are you running away again?" I turned around to find the source of the voice. Kaeya was leaning to the wall next to Jean's office, folding his arms.

"Were you eavesdropping?" I smirked at him, but didn't answer. I started walking to the direction to the door of the Favonius Headquarters, Kaeya followed me.

"Is it a problem?" he asked simply. "You would've tell me about it anyway, it's not like it's a secret you're leaving, right?" he asked with a provocative tone.

We left the building, once we were outside, I turned around to face him. "I am not running away, Kaeya"

"Bullshit" he stated, walking past me, down the stairs. "Care to explain? You know, I am here to talk to or whatever, but seems like you keep forgetting that I am your friend and you can trust me."

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