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I rushed around a corner, desperately trying to escape not only from Paisley and Travon but from my own thoughts. I rounded a corner and smacked straight into a dressing-gown Angel.

"Woah, watch where you're going!" she said, falling to the ground.

"Sorry." I extended my hand to help her up.

She took it, then stood, brushing her nightgown off. "Where are you going?"

"I don't know. Just a walk." I said, trying not to blush in the moonlight.

Angel studied me for a moment. "Are you okay? You look...upset."

I sighed, not knowing what to tell her. Yeah Angel, I'm fine. I mean, the guy I like is making out with Paisley around that corner, but other than that, I'm perfectly okay.

Before we could continue, a loud noise sounded from down the corridor. Angel and I glanced at each other before racing down to see what the commotion was all about. We came to a halt right in front of Paisley's bedroom. But...Paisley was with Travon. She couldn't have knocked something over in her room.

"Should we go inside?" I asked tentatively.

Angel carefully placed her foot over the threshold, and we crept into the room. Inside was a mound of tattered fabric, with deep, rough slashes through what looked like dozens of Paisley's favorite, light pink tulle gowns. I clapped my hands over my mouth. '

"What happened?" Angel whispered. All of the lights were off. There wasn't a maid around, either.

"Rebels?" The word was hoarse in my throat. Paisley's room was right next to mine. Had my "father", Strokes, come and tried to find my room, and caught Paisley instead?

"Maybe." I could hear the shiver in her voice at the thought. "Shouldn't we go and get someone?"

"Good idea." I said, eager to leave the room. That's when the bathroom door swung tightly shut with a slam, and we heard the bolt click.

"Let's go." said Angel, making toward the door.

"Wait. I'm going to open the door." I said.

"Go ahead." she said, swinging out of the room. I heard her mutter something about getting the credit as she walked out. Ugh.

I slipped my slippers off and adjusted my feet ' grip on the floor. This was going to hurt. 1, I counted down in my head, 2...3.

I raced across the room and at the door as fast as I could, until my shoulder slammed into the door. Nothing happened but a bunch of rattling.

Again. 1, 2, 3.

CRASH! The door slammed down on the ground in front of me, hanging on its lowest hinge. Pressed against the back wall was Honey, her hair a mess, and knife in her hand.

"What do you think you're doing?" She cried. "Why are you in my room?"

"This room is Paisley's." I said, glaring at her and trying to act like I hadn't just busted down a door.

Her face paled. "What are you talking about?"

Angel rushed back into the room, Saline hot on her heels. "What is going on here?" Saline's eyes bulged as she took in the torn gowns, Honey's knife, and of course, the door laying at my feet.

It was a strange experience, sitting in front of the heart of King and Queen, Travon, Saline, and even Kemper, dressed in my nightgown, completely barefoot, when they were all in their suits and dresses from the day.

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