Part 1

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Sitting on the beach looking out to see as I thought over the last year
How my mum got married
How I gained a step sister who I hate by the way
How I moved 2hours away from my pa
How I went of the rails and joined anchor cove board riders
How I got sick and ended up in the hospital
How I met my new best friend who was  recovering from a back injury his names ari and currently we are at Jackson bay for a comp

A hand touches my shoulder startling me
" hey you ok" it was ari I nod " yeah just thinking you know" he smiles helping me up as we walk to the tents going separate ways me to anchor cove and him to shorehaven
I can't lie this past year has been rough especially when I got sick my mum says it was terrible I don't really remember to be honest
I meet with my team smiling and hugging them all this being my first comp in a long time and boy am I nervous
I get out of my trances to see griff walking over to me
"Hey harper you feeling up to this today"
" yep I'm feeling great don't worry I'm better now"
" I know it's just that last year was scary for all of us we nearly lost you and we are not prepared to let that happen" he says pulling me in for a hug
This sounds naive but I've always had a slight crush on griff even if he is a complete dick sometimes
The presenter announces that under 16 girls were to make there way to the starting line so me and Sheridan make our way there we all run into the water I can hear everyone cheering for there representing surfer
After 10 mins without a single wave I finally catch a few doing quite well as the horn blows and we make our way back to the shore
" dropped from the heat is Melissa, Sheridan and bodhi meaning poppy tetenui and harper mercer are through to the finals" cheers break out
Griff running over and picking me up and spinning me around he puts me down and smiles at me
I walk over to ari and he hugs me and gives me a high five
Not bad for my first comp just finals now tomorrow how fun

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