Part 2

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It was around 11 o'clock when I got a message from griff saying to meet him near the beach in 10 so I quickly got my shoes on and snuck out
" griff"I say shouting to him
He turned to look at me
" sorry if I woke you but I really needed to talk to you"
" ok what is it" I ask confused
" I I I um how do I say this ok I like you like I like like you"
I just stood there in shock omg did he really just say that
"I um I like you too griff like a lot" he smiles
He leaned in a kissed me I kissed back gently
Once we pulled apart he said " will you be my girlfriend no jokes like serious"
" yes of course"
We decided to walk back hand in had as we needed sleep for tomorrow

Next morning
Down at the beach I sat with Sheridan when bodhi came up to me
" harper can I talk to you plz"
" not now bodhi it can wait till we get home"
"Ugh fine" she answered annoyed and stormed off
I look to Sheridan and start laughing with her
" her face she looked so annoyed"
We stopped when griff walked up to us I stood up and wrapped my arms around his waist his hand on the low of my back he kissed me on my head I looked up and pecked his lips pulling apart
" woah when did that happen" Sheridan asked with a chuckle
" last night near the beach" griff laughed as well
" I'm so happy for you both but griff you look after her ok"
He nodded
After 30 minutes of warm up when we had to go do our heat

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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