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Olivia didn't sleep that night. Instead, she sat on the living room couch, waiting for Fez to come home.

She sat there on her leather sofa, drinking a glass of wine, waiting.

As she waited, she thought about what she would say. She didn't want to try to defend herself to Fez anymore. She was mad that he left her without even listening to her or hearing her out. She was mad that he didn't tell her where he was going.

And she wondered if it would be like this in the future. If Olivia would mess up some how, and Fezco would just run. Not tell her where he was going, and make her worry all night.

Rue snuck out of the house around seven in the morning, tiptoeing past Olivia who passed out on the couch. Ashtray woke Olivia up a few hours later, asking for a ride to the store, where he would spend his day checking out people buying gum and Marlboros.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you? I can." Liv offered, her Jeep parked outside of the drug store.

"It's fine. I know you probably have stuff to do today." Ash said.

In truth, he liked being at the store on his own. It made him feel grown up, having a job like that at his age.

"Okay. Call me when you want a ride home." Liv smiled.

Ash put his hand on the door handle, about to leave. But, suddenly, something dawned on Liv she wanted to speak up about.

"Wait. How come you didn't ask where Fez was?" She wondered. Ashtray slowly looked back at her, looking guilty.

"Do you know?" Liv pushed.

"Just don't freak out. The only reason I didn't tell you was 'cause I didn't want you stressing out about it." He said.

Olivia tilted her head to the side, her lips going in a thin line. Ashtray sighed.

"He went to stay at Lexi's. He's not sure when he's coming home."

Olivia scoffed, her mouth dropping open slightly.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She asked. Ashtray shook his head, and Olivia did the same.

"I'm gonna beat this bitch up." She mumbled, her hands tightening on the steering wheel. Ashtray put his hands out.

"No, no, no, no, no. You're not beating anyone up because you're not supposed to know. Just..I don't know. Go home, go swimming or something. Whatever you girls do to chill." He explained.

Olivia nodded, trying to keep cool in front of him.  He nodded as well, opening the car door.

"My friend and his mom are picking me up later and I'm staying at his place. Ill call you if anything changes." He said.

Olivia watched as Ashtray crossed the street and unlocked the store door, turning on the neon "open" sign. She nodded her head, putting the jeep in drive and driving away.

She drove passed Lexi's house to see if Fez's car was there. She didn't want to go inside and make a scene, mainly because she didn't feel like dealing with Cassie and Suze.

But, when she saw that Ash was right and Fez's car was parked outside, she got angry.

Olivia decided on the ride home she wasn't going to cry anymore. Instead of sitting at home waiting for Fezco to come home, bitching and moaning that he was gone, she was going to get revenge.

If he was going to go to Lexi's, two could play at that game.

Nate Jacobs🖕❌🤢
Today, 1:49pm



what're you doing tonight


do you want to come over

What time

like 9 or 10

Are you sure?

yes nate i'm sure

I'll be there

bring alc

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