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Olivia Jackson's mouth gaped open as she looked around the purple and pink tinted living room, sitting on the couch. She felt like she was at the peak of a never ending orgasm, tears of glitter and pure bliss dripping down her soft cheeks.

She had taken walks on the walls and hopped on clouds. There was a comforting feeling of electricity illuminating Olivia's entire body, a feeling she wanted to embrace instead of shut out like everyone else. It was the first time where she felt like she could look Rue in the face and confidently say "I understand".

As Olivia looked out into the distance, there Rue was, sitting there with tears of glitter streaming down her cheeks like Liv's. Liv quivered out a smile, reaching for her friend's face.

"I'm so happy." Olivia tried to explain in a distorted voice, unable to truly describe and comprehend what her brain was giving her. Rue chuckled, also grabbing Olivia's face.

"Me too." She replied in the same voice.

Just then, Olivia's living room door flew open. Fezco stood there, not noticing Olivia at first. But, when he did, he rushed over.

Rue's face was quickly replaced with Fez's. Olivia teared up and grabbed him.

"I missed you, baby." She shook her head, both of her hands on his cheeks. Fezco examined her eyes, his warm hands covering Liv's noticeable cold ones.

"What the fuck did you do?" Fez mumbled.

Just then, Nate came down the stairs. It was 3:00 in the morning, and he had heard voices. He wanted to check and make sure Olivia was okay, but once he saw Fezco standing there, he wished he never left the room.

"Oh, fuck nah, bruh." Fezco said. He reached into the waistband of his sweatpants and pulled out a gun, facing it at Nate. Nate put his hands up right away, Liv watching the scene in slow motion with wide eyes.

"Woah, woah. Chill, chill, chill, chill." Nate muttered.

"Man, how many times I gotta beat you the fuck up before you get the hint in your ugly ass head to stop fucking with the people I care about. What, I gotta shoot you now, too?" Fez threatened. Nate shook his head, his hands remaining in the air. He glanced over at Liv, noticing she was high as a kite on something that definitely wasn't weed.

For some reason, he wasn't surprised.

"Look, bro. We didn't have sex or anything. I don't even know where she got the drugs, alright? I'll just go." Nate tried, starting to walk toward the door. Fezco nodded, the gun still pointed at Nate's head. He got behind him and led him towards the front door.

"Yeah. I know you're ass is gonna fucking go. Put some pep in your step. Get the fuck out." Fez mumbled. Once Nate was fully at the door, he looked at Liv over his shoulder to make sure she wasn't paying attention. Then, just as Nate was about to leave, he grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and held the gun up to his forehead.

"Listen carefully, bruh. If I find you five feet near my girl again, I'll fucking kill you. I'm serious. And that's on my grandma."

Fezco waited a second, making sure his message sunk in. Then, he shoved Nate onto the ground and slammed the door.

When Fez turned around, Liv was standing right behind him. He knew she had just heard everything, and let out a nervous sigh as to what she would think.

ɢᴏᴏᴅ ɢɪʀʟ, ʙᴀᴅ ʜᴀʙɪᴛꜱ (author's version)Where stories live. Discover now