Chapter Eighteen

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"What's your last name?" I ask.

"Boyd." Caiden says.

Hm, Caiden Boyd.

Caiden Boyd, what have you done to the ruckus going on inside my heart?


Chapter Eighteen

I guess I had fallen asleep because the next thing I knew my alarm had suddenly blared in my ears, and the morning sunlight filtered into my eyes making me squint and open them immediately.

I sit up, reach over and hit the stop button on my phone, I look at the time and groan, my head still had leftover residual from the overindulging that happened last night and that bright sun was not helping.


Tears prickle my eyes as I reach over, grip my phone and look up the phone number to the emergency vets.

It rang four times before a snappy woman comes on the phone.

"What is it?"

No hello or any warm greeting of any kind.

"I have a dog by the name of Samson who got attacked a few nights ago and-"

"Ah yes! Samson is such a delight, but he is very scared, we are evaluating him to see if he is fit to go back home dear. He underwent major surgery, he almost lost his leg." The woman carelessly rambles on as if talking about this was an everyday thing.

"How long will that take? I was kind of hoping to get reintegrate him into society but from home." I say, getting impatient.

"I really don't know dearie."

"Can I come down to see him?" I ask, already hoping out of bed and going around to my dressers to find some clothes.

"Yes, you can stop by any time, I'm sure Samson would love to see you come by." The woman chirps before bidding me farewell.

With knots forming in my stomach I choose a small pair of black jean shorts and a dark blue tanktop, light blue lacy underwear, and a matching pair of a light blue bra. I choose a dark maroon overcoat with long sleeves and throw all the clothes in the small bathroom I had.

The small space was very convenient when it came to having room, but sometimes when I had company, there wasn't much room to walk around.

My kitchen and livingroom is downstairs, but my bedroom, bathroom and laundry room are located on the second floor of my small house. The attic was very small and only had things I never used or put away for the year.

I shed the clothes I had on and stepped into my bathtub and shower mix, standing under the beaming hot water.

I don't waste any time in washing my hair and body, shutting the water off and hopping out of the shower, I pay no attention to my hair other than dry it with a towel and only leave it slightly damp as I throw on my clothes and run out of the bathroom.

I find my black pair of flip flops and slide them on, grab my purse and fly out of the door.

I jump in my car and drive the seeingly long drawn-out drive to the vets.

I pull up to the red brick building with the words; SalWheel Emergency and Urgent Care For Animals on the front. The SalWheels consisted of two elderly members and a young woman who owned the building.

There were many women and a couple of men that worked here years ago, I saw their picture posted up in the City Hall before, they had all died where the previous animal care place had been.

Since then, only three people have ever been employed here, but it's been a long while before I had gone down to City Hall. The only thing I had ever searched up other than the number and location as if they were open 24 hours.

I walk inside and I am instantly met with multiple barks coming from all sides, I squint and try to concentrate as I walk up to the big front desk, and wait patiently as a dark-haired woman was talking on the phone and holding her finger up to me every so often.

"Okay, hello dearie. My name is Mary, how may I help you today?" The woman asks, putting down the phone and smiling up at me.

"I called a little while ago, about Samson." I say.

"Oh yes! Hello, it's nice to finally meet you. So, if you would follow me please. Samson is in a room, in a meet n greet room we have set up..." The woman gets up out of her spinning chair and walks around the desk, turning around and walking forwards.

My mouth opens, but shuts and I follow after her, shooting my hand out to catch the door in time to not hit me in the face and catch the end of her sentence, "...He was not having a good day today. Poor guy." Mary says and walks down a narrow hallway to a small door at the end of the hall.

"Be prepared, he will most likely bite you ma'am, he has tried to bite us all on more than one occasion." Mary says as she turns the doorhandle and opens the door, allowing me to step inside first.

I had been fine up until that moment, but in that exact moment was the first time I had felt afraid of Samson, of more like afraid to see Samson. He lost his tail.

My heart raced in my chest, but I willed my legs to continue on and I turn the corner pushing past the barrier and walk into the room, hearing low quiet rumbles of growls emitting from Samsons chest.

My eyes widen many fractions as I take in the scene before me, Samson was tied onto a large post with a thick chain, a muzzle around his face, foam leaking out of the cloth around his mouth, the fur around his face and body was gone. He was shaved down to the skin almost everywhere, but his head was choppy. His German Shepard fur was reduced down to nothing.

Samsons light brown eyes were wild, unaware, dangerous as they dart about trying to decihper who I was.

"Samson." I say, my hand reaching out and I crouch low.

My breath halts as Samson stops breathing as well.

With a loud searing cry that tore my heart in half, Samson screams and whimpers, jumping up and down, trying to reach me.

My lips open and a sob comes out as I scramble up and run towards my dog. I drop to the ground, throw my arms around Samsons neck and crush him to me, letting all the emotions and feelings I had felt out finally.

"Ma'am! I wouldn't go near hi-"

"He's my dog, he would never hurt me." I said, tears streaming down my cheeks.

I reach up with both hands and dig my fingertips into Samsons neck, scratching and petting him, and reach all the way up the straps at the back of Samsons head, undoing them and I slide the muzzle off, freeing Samson as he glreefully whines and licks my face, jumping everywhere in my lap.

"He's not a danger. He just needed me, I'm taking him home." I say, sniffling and smiling, I stand up and reach out to unclasp the thick chain from around Samsons neck.

"Ma'am, you can't just walk out of here-"

"Actually I can, if he hasn't bitten you, then he's not a danger. Just because he snaps doesn't mean he's a danger, everybody is entittled to a bad day, especially after what we both went through." I say, "Samson. Come." I say, my voice firm and I turn already hearing Samsons soft pads behind me, I knew he would be okay.

He was still my Samson.

With a little time and a lot of effort, Samson will be back to being himself. Or as himself as he can get now.

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