Chapter Twenty-Two

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My head snaps back, "Ah!" I cry out, I had no time to console myself or see if I was okay, Scarlett comes back screaming with anger flashing in her eyes, her bright blue eyes hardening to a stormy blue as she throws out her fists.

I duck to the side and turn swinging my arm just in time to punch her as I whirl around, Scarlett jerks back slightly, taken aback by my action but the smile that spreads on her lips is a sinister one, not one of pain.

I'm fucking screwed.


Chapter Twenty-Two

The referee had called break a split second later, "Go to your trainers!" He yells out.

Scarletts whirls around and faces a Holten avoiding eye contact with me as Scarlett bends down to talk to him.

"Ravenlyn!" I hear behind me.

I whirl around to see Caiden, red-faced standing just below me.

"Why the hell do they have you fighting Scarlett!" Caiden yells as he walks up the white steps and throws a leg through the chain over the threshold of the door and effortlessly climbs into the room.

"I don't know. Does it look like I know! What the fuck do I do?" I ask, panic clear as day in my voice.

"Remember what I taught you, this is your first match, nobody expects you to be perfect. Watch out for signs when she wants to make her move, watch your body tightness, make your muscles indestructible, and keep your fists up protecting your face at all times." Caiden rushes out.

"Don't I get a mouthguard?" I ask.

"Raven, this is not regular fighting, it's all dirty moves and smart decisions, no rules. Well, except for weapons and killing, there are basically no rules down here. You need to be smart. Scarlett has been fighting for half her life, be careful." Caiden warns, causing a pang of fear to ring into my core, shaking my confidence a little.

"...And, begin!" The hosts suddenly yells out a bell can be heard and the crowd of onlookers starts to scream again.

I turn around just in time to duck around Scarletts thrown fist.

"Holen told me he found someone new. But guess what sugar, you are me. I fought, you're fighting, you're just like me." Scarlett laughs as she again throws a punch over the side and around, I duck and thrust my hand up in the air catching her jaw from below up just like she did me just moments before.

"Bitch...I'm nothing like you." I say, my foot comes out to thump against the side of her waist, hitting just below her rib and she flies to the side.

I guess the nice and warm persona was just a facade, or she is just really competitive when she fights.

But, either way.

I need to shed my shyness away, or else I will burn in this ring.

I crouch low as she dives high, I swiftly throw a punch to her stomach and swing around, sweeping my leg out to catch behind hers and she collapses onto her knees, her face goes slack and her eyes open wide.

I don't hesitate as I see the dark gleam in her otherwise bright eyes, I reel my arm back, curl my hand into a tight fist and deliver a punch to the side of Scarletts jaw. Her entire body goes slack, and her red hair flies out of its top bun and twirls around into two pigtail braids as she flops to the ground.

Scarletts eyes stay closed, but she was breathing heavily, I held my breath and so did the crowd, a hush fell over the onlookers as Scarlett reaches her arm up high into the sky and brings it down in three swift taps that sound more like thuds and the crowd erupts.

Be With You ~ Hearts Intertwined Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now