Chapter 2

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I have had enough of my mama constantly telling or rather demanding me thing to do or say that I simple said nothing back. Absolutely nothing at all to defend myself against my mama and instead seen as he's in my home, in the Palace I ignored her existence taking his hand walking up the grand stairway towards my bedroom shutting the door behind.

I could hear my papa telling her its no good yelling and getting all worked up about this.......then she agreed to wait till I'm ready to talk about what just happened in a calm way. After shutting the door I gave Simon a quick tour of my bedroom then lay down on my bed with my feet dangling over the edge of my bed and took a deep breath closing my eyes for just a sec to clear my head.

Simon lay next to me taking my hand entwining our fingers. "I am so proud of you for doing what you just did infront of millions of people around the world on camera. I love you so much." He said as I turned my head to face him. "How did I ever end up with such a wonderful guy like you" I said with a huge grin plastered upon me.

We stayed like this in silence for a good couple of minutes before sitting up on the bed against the headboard. Since we got here simons mum had been trying to get a hold of him 4 time and texted more that that where as his sister also tried to get a hold of Simon but quickly realised that it Was no use so she tried contacting me knowing that I'll have to answer eventually as for her messages will take up all the storage on my phone so I can't continue any of my royal duties if I didn't pick up.

Video call

Sara: wilhelm is Simon with you mums worried si........Simon why aren't you answering your phone mums worried as to were you are?

Simon : just tell her I'm OK and in an important meeting. OK.

Wilhelm: important meeting huh? (Smiles, tickling simon )

Simon : (laughing loudly on videocall) hey, stop that Willie love please. My sisters watching.

Wilhelm: oh sorry, his sarah

Sarah: why would I lie to her by saying you are in an important meeting now I won't lie to mum. Everyone at school has hurd wilhelms speach and mums freaking out wondering were you are saying that you'll be grounded for a month because u didn't come straight home or answer your phone.

Wilhelm: calm down sarah, what if I spoke to her then will she leave you, leave us in peace. (Lean my head on simons shoulder)

Simon: I think she would be confused and besides we'd have to talk to her together.

Wilhelm: uh.. fine. Can't we just have one normal day together (takes a deep breath and sighs loudly)

Sarah: fin but as soon as I hang up you've gotta ring mum straight away ok. I mean it si I mean it OK.

Wilhelm: I'll make sure of it sarah. Speak to you soon.

Simon: OK sis, speak to you soon as I can.

We press the red button then place his phone on my side table and just laid there cuddled up too eachother on my bed. I felt a lot better knowing that Simon was beside me holding me tightly getting me through this situation I've put everyone through. I know it was something we as a couple needed to do but it's the consequences of doing so that scares me.

I just hope nothing happens to the monarchy, to my royal family as punishment for me being gay. I love Simon with all my heart but I also don't I mean we also don't want my son of a bitch cousin August becoming king because of this.

When you're born into the royal family life is and seems like it will always be very complicated. I'm just glad that Simon is here with me in this hard time. 2hours gone by and I knew it was about time we put my mother (the queen) out of her misery and go down stairs to talk about what just happened.

Simon and I fixed our clothes and hair before holding hands for comfort coming down the stairs to the big open livingroom where she stood looking out the garden window whilst dad (the king) was reading today's paper. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath then lightly coffed till she acknowledged us in the room.

Wilhelm: I'm so sorry mama for what I did but I just got so sick and tired of people telling me I can't be this and I can't do that, I must be this must be that and by conforming to these rules it was hurting people around me, hurting the ones I trusted / loved the most. I just couldn't live this lie and just wanted to be me be free. Is that such a crime? (Squeezing simons hand Lightly)

The queen: my darly what do you mean your not your true self, your brother god bless his soul was fine with becoming king so......why can't you accept it. What is so bad that you feel you had to out yourself to the entire country and quiet possibly loose the thrown to that horrid cousin of yours. I done everything in my power to keep you in line for the thrown and this is how you thank me. What would your brother think of this?

Wilhelm: mama don't bring my brother into this. He helped me out with so many of my royal problems, we stuck together like glue. He's the only one I could trust but now he's gone it opened my eyes to no more hiding no more lies. I'm keeping the people or rather person I care the most for with me which is why I outed myself to the world. Not doing so only made the one person I had left to share all my thoughts and secrets with grow apart from me. Mama the one thing you can never take away from me is real love. I love Simon and no amount of security or stupid royal rules can take him away. (Turn to face simon Looking into his gorgeous eyes. )

Simon: I love you too (takes Wilhelms cheek in my hand and passionately kiss him.) Your majesty If I may this is the 21st century not the 19th, people have moved on from calling this type of love bad. In this generation as a gay person I can tell you know that no one cares if anyone famous is on the lgbtqia+ spectrum. Most only want to know who you with. So with all due respect your majesty you shouldn't be thinking like the would will end with your son because most will only love him even more and of r quiet possibly tease him for his choice.

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