As Sweet As A Poptart.... (PoppyxGeeky aka GeekyPop)

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(I got permission from the one and only poptart, so, PLEASE check her out and GeekyGamerDnD x3 )


The plane landed with a screech of its tires. Poptart stood at the baggage line, waiting for her bags. It was busy, considering it being summer vacation. This brown haired girl was from Germany, waiting for her friend. 3 weeks...Poptart thought happily, There is a lot of time to finally say what I need~ her hazel eyes sparkled as she scanned the crowds of people. Deciding to sit after her luggage arrived; Poppy straightened her black and green hoodie.

"Hey, Poptart!! Over here!" a sing song-y voice called over to the German. She turned to see GeekyGamerDnD, her blond hair pulled back into a tight ponytail, blue eyes shimmering with excitement. She had on a no sleeved turtleneck, green bandana, and an open blue, sleeveless, jean jacket over the red turtleneck. There were small, fake, white anime wings sticking out from behind her.

"Oh! Geeky, zere you are!" Pop smiled, her small German accent showing, getting up and hugging her friend. The American smiled and hugged back tightly.

"SO, how do you feel about staying here for 3 weeks?" she smiled, pulling away and placing her hands on her hips.

"Super excited... We'll be seeing so many things, huh?" Pop said as she brushed a strand of her long brown hair behind her ear, also re-adjusting her Poptart shaped hair clip.

"You have NO idea, bud. Also, nice hair clip!" Geeky complimented. She grabbed the new comer's bags and walked out of the stuffy airport. GeekyGamer brought Poppy over to her car. They piled into the van and drove to her house. It was a small apartment, but a home none the less. Geeky gave Pop a tour of the small "house" and to the guest bedroom Poppy would be sleeping in.

"You dun mind if I zettle in first, do you?" the German asked.

"Dude, go ahead! I won't stop ya... also, I'm gonna go change into something else. I'm sweatin' like a pig in the middle of July!" They both laughed, heading to their rooms. I hope we go to an amusement park... Pop mentally grinned to herself. It didn't take long for her to unpack, didn't have that much stuff to begin with. She turned to Geeky's door and knocked.

"Geeky? Iz it okay for me to come in-?" She opened the door and saw her friend, standing there with only pants and a bra on. Geeky looked towards her casually and smiled. Poppy blushed bright red, "Oh my! I am so sorry!! I dun mean to walk in on you..." she quickly retreated back, but was stopped by Geeky's voice calling out.

"It isn't a big deal... we're both girls, so it isn't like you haven't seen it already. If you were a guy, THEN I'd have some issues..." Geeky pulled on a yellow tank top and smiled, her green bandana still tied securely around her neck. It lifted up slightly to show a dog tag. Well, privacy is a big deal for me...

"Well, you wanna make a video?" the German's thoughts were interrupted by Geeky's cheery voice. Poppy nodded and smiled, her shyness fled.

~~*2 Hours Later*~~ After a few truth or dare questions, a bunch of singing, and goofing off, the video was finished. First, they uploaded the video, and then they figured out what to do for dinner.

"How much money do you have?" Geeky asked, checking her own wallet.

"About five dollars... Why?" Pop questioned.

"Wanna get some pizza?" She smiled, waiting for the usual response.

"Pizzaaaaaaaaa..." Her friend said, making her voice fade with every "a" she said. Face palming and laughing, Geeky grinned.

"I take that as a yes..." Pizza was ordered, and there was time to kill. Instantly, Geeky put on her favorite movie and grinned. Flopping on the couch, she patted the spot next to her, indicating Poppy Tarta to sit there, "Come sit with me! I will show you the wonders..." Geeky pressed play on the movie menu, enjoying the movie for the time being.

"Thank you, Geeky..." Pop said suddenly. Geeky looked at her confusedly.

"For what?" she asked, grabbing a mt. dew from the coffee table.

"Just being my friend. I know zat you dun have to do this, but my arrival and the hospitality you have given me has made me feel right at home..." Poppy smiled lightly, adjusting her glasses.

"Well, sure! I'm glad you like it here... Kind of wish you would stay here for longer..." Geeky smiled; "maybe even forever..." she blushed slightly as she let those words slip out. Both of the friends looked at each other for a long time, not noticing that they inched closer and closer to each other.

"Geeky..." Pop whispered out, "I...." a light blush dusted across her face. Their lips were only centimeters apart, eyelids nearly closed.

DING DONG! Geeky snapped out of it, as did Poptart. They whipped around to the door and stared at it.

"Th-that must be the pizza..." Geeky got up and left Pop to her thoughts. I need to... I must tell her...The German said to herself.

"Thanks..." She heard the door close and took a deep breath. She walked over to Geeky who just put down the pizza on the table.

"G-Geeky... there's been something I need to tell you..." Pop's heart raced, not sure if she would survive through this.

"Yes?" Geeky looked expectantly at her friend. Poppy licked her chapped lips and took a few deep breaths. Her hands couldn't stop messing with a strand of her hair.

"I... Vhen... Vhen we were on the couch...."

"What about it?" Geeky's body tensed up.

"I just... I wanted to say..... I-I just..." she stammered terribly, stopped to curse herself in German and tried to start again. Geeky chuckled softly, knowing what Pop was trying to say. She approached the stammering human and kissed her. Poppy's eyes flew wide open, and instead of pulling back, she leaned forward, kissing back. They pulled away, smiling sheepishly at each other.

"I know what you wanted to say... How long have you been waiting for this?" Geeky questioned, smiling.

"Ever since we started talking about seeing each other in person..." she answered, blushing once more, "I didn't think that you would like me too, and I knew a long distance relationship wouldn't work... so I kept to myself. Now that I'm here, it doesn't make a difference now... the fact that I needed was if you liked me back."

"You got your answer..." Geeky pulled Poppy Tarta close, kissing her once again.

And they stayed together, happily ever after.

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