✨ Fluff ✨

795 4 12

Fandom: South Park
Ship: Kenny x Reader (Y/N)
Theme: Super Caring BF | College AU
Requested by: Anonymous

(Kenny asks you out — You and Kenny go on a date — There is no top or bottom)

Additional Info:
[ F/D ] = Favorite Drink
[ F/F ] = Favorite Food
[ Y/M ] = Your Major

Your POV

Yesterday you were in class, finishing up your work and as you were focused on your work, your teacher called your name up to her desk. She informed you that someone was here to see you, curious, you go outside and see Kenny. He was wearing a puffy orange sweater that had a brown fuzzy texture inside of it. His hair was shaggy and you can barely see his ears. Kenny also wore dark blue ripped jeans, and white socks. His shoes were black, and he had a black mask on too. When Kenny spotted you, he pulled down his mask to smile and waved at you. Kenny then approached closer to you, then he began to speak about why he wanted to see you.

"You want to go out tomorrow? I can take you to a nicely decent restaurant, you don't have to say yes though. I'm just asking.", Kenny said with no hesitation. You smiled and placed a hand on his cheek, "that sounds lovely, Ken. Pick me up at 12." His face flushed a deep red as you walked away and back into class. And now today is the day you get to go out on the date! You decided to wear a casual outfit, one that you personally feel comfortable in. Nothing too fancy but nothing sloppy either. I double check if my hair looked fine in the mirror before I headed out. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time, it was 11:58. I put my phone away as I see Kenny walking my direction.

I wave at him, he stops dead in his tracks and I walked over to him. "You're two whole minutes early, Kenny.", you said chuckling. He rolled his eyes and chuckled, "well, I don't have a car so I had to walk, you know?" I nodded and smiled, "So, what restaurant did you have planned for us to go to?" Kenny put his hands into his pockets before answering. "Don't judge me but I chose Olive Garden. Originally I was planning Dennys, though I changed my mind." As we approached a stop sign, I pressed the button before I replied. "Oh? So what made you change your mind?", I asked. He shrugged, "Honestly thought you were better than Dennys. I mean Olive Garden isn't what you're worth, but it's what I can afford right now."

As the two of you continued walking and chatting, Olive Garden was a couple of blocks away. "Oh? I'm not worth Olive Garden? How much do you think I'm worth, Ken?", I peered. Kenny pulled down his mask and looked at me. I looked at him, and a slight blush crept on my face. He had lip piercings, freckles, and a bandage on his cheek. Today his outfit was a tad different. He wore a similar jacket to the sweater he wore yesterday, except there was a patch on this jacket of the Pansexual flag. He also wore a mint green shirt, and a ton of necklaces. Kenny also wore a choker, and you can see his long hair, since he let his hoodie down, which revealed the ear piercings.

He looked like a stereotypical emo kid, except with more color in his outfit. I smiled and awaited his response. Kenny chuckled, "I..think you deserve better than Olive Garden." A small blush crept onto my face, and I just let out a small, "oh..". It was all I can say, I was flabbergasted. Kenny then looked away from me as we neared the Olive Garden, and I waited until he got us a seat. Once into the establishment, he and I sat down across from one another as a waiter comes up to us. They ask what we would like to drink and I choose my [F/D] while Kenny asks for some water. While we waited for our drinks, Kenny and I decided to have some small talk.

"So, what do you think you'll have?", Kenny asked diligently. I hummed and tapped my cheek, "Hmm..maybe [F/F], it's one of my favorite dishes here at Olive Garden." Kenny nodded his head and smiled, "You have great taste. I think I'll take some fettuccine alfredo. What were you thinking for the appetizer?" I looked at the menu again, reading the appetizers. "Maybe we can have some breadsticks with dipping sauce.", I said. Kenny was going to say something, but our waiter cut him off and asked what we would like for our appetizers, while they placed our drinks onto the table. We thanked our waiter as we told them what we wanted to eat.

They thanked us and told us the food will be done soon. Kenny and I continued talking, so we could forget the fact we needed food for our starving stomachs. "So what did you decide to major in, Ken?", I asked as I took a sip of my drink. He sighed, "I didn't know what I wanted to major in at first, so I fooled around freshman and first semester of sophomore year. Anyways long story short, I chose to take a psychology major." I widened my eyes, interested, since I wasn't aware of this. "Really? Not going to lie, that's really interesting! Why did you choose that major?"

Kenny laughed and looked at his glass of cold water. "I don't remember..I just felt like I've died thousands of times, and I wanted to understand the human mindset. What makes us..well, us.", He said as he took a big gulp of his water, "What about you? What you majoring in?" I also took a big gulp of my drink and then proceeded to answer the question, "I major in [Y/M]." He nodded his head, "Interesting choice. Well, how's college going for you?" I shrugged, "it's going." Kenny laughed and agreed with me. "It gets better though. I mean, at least I'm hoping so." Once we finished our conversation, the waiter came with our food.

~After you ate..~

"The food was delicious, Kenny! I'm still sad that I couldn't help and pay the meal.", you said. Kenny sighed, "Yeah, normally I would let you but..this is a date after all, and I wanted to treat you, I hope you don't mind." You looked at him and smiled. "No, I don't mind. It was nice you let me give the tip.", you said. He wrapped his hand around your waist and smiled, "Well, it wouldn't be fair if I paid it ALL. Plus I know you secretly wanted to." You laughed and looked up at him. "Thank you. This was a nice date.", you said and then kissed his cheek. You pull out your phone and realize you have some homework to do, and not enough time to mosey around.

"Welp, I better get going. Bye Kenny!", you said, but before you could walk away, he grabbed your arm. You look back at him, and see his flushed red face. You walk closer to him and he cupped your cheeks with his hands, then kissed you. The kiss was passionate, and you can smell the cologne he was wearing, plus the food he ate. When you both parted from the kiss, he smiled at you and kissed your forehead. "I..I love you.", Kenny said as he hid his mouth with the mask. You chuckle and kiss his lips, even though the mask was still on, "I love you too, Ken.", you said as you then walked back home, listening to your favorite music with your earbuds in.

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