Uzumaki Diaries, Entry 4+5

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a/n - i forgot to do entry 4 and im realizing it after i've finished 5,6, and 7 so im just gonna combine 4 and 5 into one chapter.

Tuesday October 13th

Entry four :
"today was weird. Im pretty sure someone brainwashed Sasuke. He decided to open the door for me this morning."
"Sasuke look there's Naruto gonna be nice!" Suigetsu pushed Sasuke in Narutos direction so opened he the door for him.
"What are you doing?" Naruto stated, confused.
"opening the door for you." Sasuke smiled
"I don't think anyones ever opened the door for me, especially not Uchiha. That wasnt even the worst thing. He showed up again when i dropped my stuff, he picked them up for me and smiled at me!! Then again in the library, I couldn't reach a certain book I wanted so he helped me and grabbed it for me. I couldn't help but be a bit flustered by it.. Then when I was eating lunch with Gaara he kept staring at me and smiling. And again in math class! He sat directly next to me and scooted really close.. I could feel him on me, it was- ugh. What the fuck. Either he's really high or he's completely lost his mind. He's being the most confusing jerk ever. Never will I ever think he's being charming!!

Wednesday October 14th

entry five :
"So today wasn't all that bad, except for more of Sasukes pathetic attempts to distract me." He sighs. "All throughout class."
Sasuke was silent smiling at Naruto while Kakashi talked nonsense about Hamlet. Naruto looked down at his notebook, totally not blushing. Sasukes smile just increased. Naruto put his notebook in front of his face peeking over the top of it.
"His fault, not mine."

"Oh yeah and Kiba tried to talk to Neji today."
Kiba made his way over to Neji
"Hey Neji I wanted to ask you-"
"No, Kiba. No" Neji stated coldly
"Oh. Cool." He walked off.
"It was hard to watch.. I got a fucking D on my math test and Uchiha decided to rub it in my face!"
"Hey Naruto do you need help? I could like tutor you?"
"No you perv!" Naruto yelled then ran off.
"What a pervert, tryna come to my house. He knows I live alone!" Naruto looked around his room. "Fuckin perv.." He mumbled under his breath. "Especially because he decided he's gonna be all 'Friendly' to me? I don't trust that at all."

"Not only that but I heard that he stopped smoking and he's getting back on the student council? And he's stuff- all like that. He started this morning off weird too."
Sasuke was walking by Naruto doing stuff with his locker.
"Hey Naruto, you look nice today." He smiled and continued on walking. Naruto just walked him walk away in disbelief.
"What is wrong with him?! Whatever I dont even care. It's probably some plot to get me to do something, I don't trust it at all. If he tries anything tomorrow im just gonna Ignore him.

The first bell of the day had just rung and Naruto was grabbing his classroom essentials out of his locker when Sasuke walked up behind him.
"Heyy- Uzumaki-" Naruto ignored him.
"How are you?" He was ignored once again.
"Can I like- walk you to class..?" Naruto shut his locker and shoved past him.
"Oh, okay that cool-" He leaned against the lockers while Suigetsu approached him.
"What'd you do?" Sasuke raised his arms in protest while Suigetsu started to walk off.
"I didn't do anything!"
"No! I didn't!"

Naruto was walking into his mathematics classroom with Gaara
"Naruto can I speak with you outside for a moment?"
"Oh- yeah" He turned to Gaara "I'll meet you in a little bit." He turned back to his teacher and walked outside the classroom door.
"Naruto your scores are dropping. I fear for your grades." meanwhile Sasuke and Suigetsu were about to approach the classroom when Sasuke saw the blonde and his teacher standing outside. He pulled Suigetsu behind the door and spied on them.
"I know, I know. It's just hard."
"How bout I find you a tutor?"
"Really? That'd be great Sensei."
"All right run along back to class now Naruto."

"Suigetsu you know what this means?!"
"What Sasuke?"
"I can tutor Naruto! that way I can talk to him without him running off on me in the middle of it."
"True. If you manage not to be a dick and apologize then maybe he'll give you a chance. Then you could stop bothering the rest of us with your angst! Seriously you could power the school with you sexual tension." Sasuke sighed holding the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
"Thats not what I meant."
"That is exactly what you mean." Suigetsu ended the conversation by walking off
"Why am I friends with you?" Sasuke completely annoyed but still followed Suigetsu.

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