Uzumaki Diaries, Entry 6

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Thursday October 15th

"Im convinced id there is a god. He hates me. So the other day Kakashi Sensei said he was gonna find me a tutor. Which is all fun and dandy till I found out who that tutor was."
"Naruto. I've found you a tutor." Kakashi stated proudly
"Awesome! who is it?" Naruto smiled. Kakashi pointed to the desk across from Narutos.
"Sasuke!" He proudly stated once again.
"Your my tutor..?" Naruto spoke while looking at the Raven infront of him. Sasuke bit his lip then smiled
"Thats right. Sasuke fuckin Uchiha is going to be my tutor, he's going to be here, alone with me in my house! In like ten minutes. If im not dead by the end of tonight it will be a miracle."

"Uhh.. I just don't wanna have to deal-" Naruto was interrupted by his doorbell ringing. "Fuck."

Sasuke who was standing at Narutos door, heard his phone ring and picked it up.
"Can you leave me alone for like two seconds?"
"Are you at his house?"
"What are you keeping tabs on me now? Thats kinda fuckin creepy."
"Shut the fuck up Sasuke. I just thought I should give you a last gentle reminder that this is your last chance to give a lasting impression on him, don't fuck it up."
"Oh thank you so much Suigetsu I don't think I could've figured that out without you telling me." Sasuke stated in a sarcastic tone.
"Don't be all pissy with me just because your nervous."
"Nervous? Im not nervous. Im Sasuke fucking Uchiha what do I have to be nervous about." Sasuke bit his lip
"Mm, yeah but you can't just flash your card for this one, Uchiha or not thats not gonna get you into his pants." Suigetsu rolled his eyes on the other side of the phone.
"what the fuck do you mean flash my card- look thats not why im here okay?"
"So you don't want in his pants?"
"Of course I want in his fucking pants..." Sasuke was interrupted by the door opened to reveal a certain blonde.
"Gotta go." Sasuke muttered into his phone, hanging up. "Heyyy- Naruto. Uh just here to do the tutoring thing-" Naruto silently walked away.
"Fuckk- Thats great. Thats great Sasuke, thats how you make friends." He mumbled to himself then followed Naruto.

They sat at the table with Narutos homework infront of him.
"Listen- I was just-"
"Its alright I dont wanna know."
"I can explain-"
"Nono. I really don't wanna know."

"Should we like... get to it."
"Like the homework!"
"Jeezus." Naruto placed his head onto the table
"Nono- like the tutoring- I didn't mean it like that!-"

"So like- should we?"
"Yeah sure whatever." Sasuke scooted his chair closer to Narutos and picked up a pen.
"So uh, what exactly do you need help with?" Naruto sighed.
"Like.. all of this."
"What this?" Sasuke pointed to it.
"Alright, that isn't to hard"
"So-" Sasukes words had cut off in Narutos head while he stared at the other boy thinking to himself. 'look at this asshole! Hes thinks he's so cool, coming in here looking like that. Look at his stupid dumb face, his dumb stupidly somehow perfect hair, and his stupid perfect constructed fashion sense. Goddammit he's so stupidly alright looking. I hate him! Moderately attractive dickwad.. dumb piece of hot trash.' Narutos thoughts were cut off by Sasuke.
"Did you get all that?"
"Oh uh. Yeah- could you just... repeat that last bit..?"
"Which part?"
"The um- ...All of it." Sasuke scoffed but laughed all at once.
"Your pretty super bad at this."
"Shut up Sasuke."

"Yeah no. you cant- you cant put that there"
"where do I put it then?!"
"I told you- You have to put it over here!" Naruto, with an attitude, put it where Sasuke told him to.
"Could you not do that?"
"Could you stop being a fuck?"
"I- What?" Sasuke Angrily sighed

"Okay but you- your forgetting a decimal point."
"I knoooooooow." Naruto stared at Sasuke very annoyed

"you gotta but the decimal point here." Naruto placed the little dot with a bunch of attitude
"Whats with the attitude?!" Naruto closed his Notebook
"Naruto. Naruto." Naruto threw the book, getting up from his chair and walking off into the kitchen.
"Uzumaki. Naruto."
"Go fuck yourself." Sasuke paused for a moment "Maybe I will!!"

"Sit down!"
"Sit down!"
"I don't wanna."
"Naruto. Sit down." Naruto walked over to his chair and childishly got in Sasukes face in the progress.

"Do you wanna learn or not?"
"Not from you I dont."
"Well holy fucking Shit." Their worss become inaudible from them yelling at eachother at the same time.

"So we good? Can we start again?" Naruto sighed.
"Are you gonna act like a little bitch again?" Sasuke scoffed. Naruto picked up a small paper book in front of him and hit Sasuke in the forehead with it.
"Ah! What the fuck? You are fucking insane!"
"I will hit you again, Sasuke!" Sasuke put his hands in front of him as a sheild.
"Dont you hit me again! Jeezus Fuck!" He saw naruto picking up the small book again and panicked, getting out of his seat.
"Naruto!" Naruto got up too so Sasuke ran into the kitchen, Naruto running after. "SHIT-"

Sasuke sighed holding an ice pack to his head, Naruto having a tissue covering his nose, slightly holding his head back.
"Okay listen, were gonna have to work something out because this shit obviously isnt working." Sasuke tossed the ice pack down on the table in frustration.
"Oh really? Thats a big thing coming from you Sasuke. It's not like he spend the majority of your time trying to fuck with me. No lets just forget all that happened."
"Will you shut the fuck up? Like im here right? Im trying to make it work! Why else do you think id be here?"
"You know what Sasuke I don't know why your here. Because it seems to me, you're being an asshole... Which you are!"
"Listen I know I fucked up, i'm trying to make up for it. But when I'm trying to say is that im sorry." Sasuke confessed. 'hold up, did I hear that right? Did he just apologize?' Naruto thought to himself.
"Im sorry.. For everything." Sasuke confessed once again. 'Holy shit' Naruto cussed at himself.
"I know I really.. Fucked up the friendship that we had and.. I acted like a total douche to you. Idk im trying to fix it but.. i just want you to know that im sorry." Naruto looked at Sasuke in Confusion "Can you accept that?" Naruto got upset and punched Sasuke in the arm.
"You know you're a real piece of shit Sasuke."
"I- What-"
"You think after everything im just going to forget about it all?"
"Im trying to apologize man!"
"You know what, its not- its not that easy. It's gonna take more then that." Sasuke looked down in guilt. "Your gonna have to.. prove it to me that you mean it.."
"Okay. Yeah sure" Sasuke slightly smiled scooting closer to the teen beside him. "I promise. I'll prove it to you." Naruto held his hand out and Sasuke complied holding his out too, reaching out to Naruto. Naruto pulled his back.
"Don't shake unless you truly mean it." Sasuke nodded and they shook hands. 'Im gonna hate myself for this later.' Naruto thought to himself.

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