Author's note

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Well, c'est fini la comédie. :)

Did I weep? Hell yeah.

I had an incredible time writing and posting this. Thank you to everyone who read this, sorry to everyone who wants to curse the crap out of me--understandable.

I'm waiting for feedback, and if there are any plot holes or things that were off, let me know.

Unfortunately for you, I am not one for happy ends, but I hope you still enjoyed this book.

Oh, the tragic darling life of Evelyn...

Well...I don't know what to say anymore, so, thank you again everyone❤️

Now, I'll leave you some references or things that you might not have gotten:

1.Uncle Asmo is based on Asmodeus, one of the seven devils of Hell.

2. When Heeseung tells the butterfly to "dance," he is causing her those nightmares.

3. The quote "And we danced, on the brink of an unknown future(...)" is from the book Evelyn was holding on her lap when Heeseung caught her crying, "The day Of the Triffids".

4. That poem from chapter 14 basically spoils the ending, "Give (...) but not your heart away".
The poem is called "One-and-twenty" by A. E. Housman.

5. Dellamorte, the name of the hotel is actually a name from a movie I really enjoyed, so I kind of sort of plagiarised it, perhaps? :) Anyhow, the movie is called Dellamorte Dellamore/ The Cemetery Man.

6. The lake of fire and Cerberus, the three headed guard dog of hell, are from Greek Mythology.

7. Clover Street and Oneonta are real places, and, also, the three hour distance from New York is accurate. But this is still a work of fiction.

8. Gehenna, the commission of Hell is actually a term used for hell in the bible.

9. Evelyn's stepfather made a deal with the Devil of Desire (Heeseung) long ago, wishing to get rid of Evelyn from his house, because her mom wouldn't throw her out. So, he sold his unborn child's soul to him (the kid Evelyn's mother--Masako--was pregnant with), causing her a miscarriage. Yes, very tangled, sorry.

10. The number 13 has a very important significance, in the 13th chapter, the clock hits 13 (inspired by George Orwell's 1984) and they have 13 minutes left together in the last chapter.

11. Also, it was 8:21pm when they checked the time, which is not coincidental either :) It ties to the spoiling poem.

12. "He who sins is of the devil..." 1 John 3:8
"Hell is a place or torments" Luke 16:23
Quotes from the bible, if anyone cares.
I wrote a book about a deal with the devil, so, obviously, I'm not very religious :)

13. Fun fact: Heeseung did cheat on that chess game. Evelyn was a smart girl.

14. Lastly, there are some similarities from the first chapter and the last, like the obvious chapter names, the trance (first physical and then emotional), and then the butterfly that reflects the same puzzlement and abruptness through its appearance.

And...perhaps you noticed, in the last chapter Evelyn's hands are warm and Heeseung's cold, a contradiction to the entire book.

Yep, that was it. Sorry for this being so long :)

Again, if you have any questions, drop them, loves. Adios!


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