The discovery.

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Today had been shit, to put it simply.Probably wasn't the most elegant way to say it.If his mother had heard him he would have gotten a mouthful of soap.But it was accurate.

They all got their exam results back today, the ranks posted for everyone to see.Rank 116 out of 181 students.After he had tried so hard,studying all night for weeks on end.He was screwed.Once his mum finds out he'll be a dead man.That's why he was so excited to be hanging out with his friends after school, take his mind off of it all.

Hairo was particularly adamant on talking about the tennis clubs recent improvements. Nendo very proud of his 104th ranking. Teruhashi gushing over the delicious strawberry cake one of her fanboys had given her.Aren ranking over a new delinquent movie he had just seen. And Saiki, silently smiling to himself staring down at the coffee jelly he bought on the way here.They were all having so much fun.All joking and laughing and smiling about whatever.And he just sort of, sat there.Every now and then his mouth would hang open, waiting for him to say something.But he never did.Or for somebody to ask him something, even acknowledge his presence.But they never did.

And he felt like shit.

Why am I like this? Why am I even here? They're clearly happier without you.God this is so stupid.

Soon enough he just started to fade into the background.Like a ghost.A ghost nobody would miss if he just disappeared.Maybe he should.It would make everything so much easier.He could feel everything start to pile on top of his chest.This familiar,sickening, heavy feeling so strong he half expected it to crush him into dust.This was all too much.He couldn't do this anymore.He needed the release.The relief he knew all too well.He didn't hide a razor blade in his phone case for no reason after all.Silently, he got up from his chair, making his way to Hairos bathroom (they were in his house after all)

They don't care about you.It's so obvious they pity you.Who would want to hang around with someone like you? You spend half your time in a fantasy world.No wonder they didn't talk to you.

Up the stairs,he shut the door behind him before collapsing to the floor.Head in hands, elbows resting on his knees, he quietly sobbed.Listening to the quiet taps of drops crashing onto porcelain tiles.

"Stupid, stupid." he whispered to himself, frantically fiddling with his phone case and peeling away red bandages that hid any old scars or scabs.Sometimes he would just stare at them, while he was alone.They kind of looked like cat scratches.The scratches of a very aggressive, messy, strong cat.

So stupid.What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Can't you just be normal for five fucking minutes?!

He pressed the blade deeper. His heart hammering in his ribcage as he watched tity pools of blood dripped down his arm and onto the floor.


Go deeper.If you're going to cut yourself you might as well do it right.Maybe you should just kill yourself.It's not like anyone would care


You don't have any friends.You're pathetic, lonely, sad,pathetic piece of sh-


His wide eyes darted up towards the sound, seeing an open door.



The two boys stared at each other,neither knowing what to do.He just stood there at the foot of the door, frozen.His lips parted, eyes widened and breathing paused.He had noticed Kaido had gone from the moment he got up, unlike everyone else.Soon after he went up stairs out of a combination of curiosity and concern.

And well,here he was now.He didn't really know what to do with himself.It was a actually strange to see, very little surprised Saiki.But here he was, paralysed.Looking at his friend, tears streaming down his face on the floor of Hairos bathroom, in a ball like a crumpled piece of paper.His arm all...all.

A warm hand to hold (Kaido X Saiki)Where stories live. Discover now