The talk

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Saiki flipped the switch, turning on the light as the two walked in.
"Thanks for letting me come over Saiki, that was really nice of you" 
"Don't worry about it" he replied in his dull tone, eyes half-lidded.On the way home, Kaido had called his mother, letting him know he would he staying at Saiki's for tonight.Obviously he had told her they were going to be studying together and he would be coming back before the sun rose.Luckily, she agreed.She still thought Saiki was some kind of super-genius so in fact she was thrilled to know he would be studying with someone like him.

"Do you want some tea?" he asked, thrusting Kaido out of his train of thought.
"Huh? oh yeah sure" he pointed Kaido to the living room before boiling the kettle in the kitchen.

Soon enough he returned with two mugs of tea and two coffee jellies, sitting down on the sofa next to Kaido. Silently, they ate together.It was a thick, stiff quiet hanging in the air, now far less comfortable than it was before.They both knew what was coming.The talk.They couldn't just sit there in silence. Saiki didn't want that, strangely.He was truly out of character tonight. It stayed like this for a minute or two (even if it felt like hours) until Saiki finally decided to break it.Rip off the band-aid.He was tired of hearing Kaido's inner thoughts screaming all about how awkward the moment was.

"Shun" he turned his body slightly, facing him "Can we talk about what happened?" Kaido studied his reflection in the tea, determined to keep quiet. "I'm not going to force you" Saiki reassured him "I just want to help you and I think it would be best if talked about it" Kaido froze, the only part of him moving was his leg rapidly bouncing. The psychic closed his eyes, deciding he might as well tell him now.Perhaps it would help him open up.

"I do understand what you're going through Shun" the boys head darted up hearing that.Wearing a slightly confused look on his face.

Is Saiki saying what I think he is? No, no of course not.This is Saiki we're talking about.

He took a deep breath,the idea of talking about this again tugging on his heart in the worst way possible "I went through some stuff and I didn't know how else to cope, so I turned to...well, self harm" he took a long sip of his tea, trying to swallow the lump in his throat. "However, I was lucky, my parents found out and got me help before I did anything stupid. And I got help." he looked over at Kaido, the two locked eyes.Still, he stayed quiet, lips pressed into a thin line.

"Saiki, I'm so sorry I had no idea" he said.Of course he didn't know, he wasn't a massive fan of people knowing his business.He made sure nobody knew.To the point where he would use his transformation ability to make it appear as if he had no scars to begin with.But Kaido was an exception.
"It's fine" he dismissed his sympathy, he didn't need it. He was better now, better than he was. Of course, thoughts of self harm never really went away. They were just weaker, less frequent and easier to manage. Everyday it got a bit easier.They paused, they only sound to be heard was cars zooming past outside. And some random guy yelling at someone over the phone about insurance, that made the moment extra strange.

"I started when I was fifteen" Kaido admitted, biting his bottom lip "At the time my grades were slipping and my mum did not make it any easier. That's when I started to... you know, cut.And it just made me feel so much better. I managed to get my grades back up and whenever I got stressed I would just cut and everything was back to normal." He ran a hand through his hair "After a while I tried to stop, I mean I knew it was unhealthy and I did stop for a few months.But well, sometimes school and everything gets to me and I just feel like... shit"  Kaido warmed his hands on the outside of his mug, he replayed the moment Saiki saw him cutting in his head over and over like a broken disk. His shoulders hunched together,nose scrunched slightly. "Fucks sake this is so stupid" he covers his eyes with his hand, his new bandages feeling particularly itchy "I was doing so well too and- and" he chokes out the words "I fucked it up over something so dumb"
"It's not dumb" Saiki wrapped his arm around his shoulders, pulling Kaido closer. "Listen to me Shun" Saiki used his pyrokinesis to warm him up, he was freezing.

A warm hand to hold (Kaido X Saiki)Where stories live. Discover now