New School Panics

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Zack woke up and checked the time again, groaning and saying 'fuck it' after seeing it was only 3:54, four minutes after he had tried to fall asleep for the thrid time that morning.

He got out of bed and changed into his clothes, writing a not to put on his binder 20 minutes before they were to leave for school and setting it on his desk. He put on his headphones and began the mental timer he presonally liked to call 'times left before I need to be perfect'.

The hours passed by quickly and before he knew it there was knocking on his door and a call through it from his mother "We're leaving in 10 minutes!" He checked the time and inwardly scoffed as he rolled his eyes.

"Not happening." He mumbled but got up to rush to get ready because of the what if's.

He tied his hair down then pulled his binder off of the hanger it was drying on, yanking off his shsirt to shimmy into his binder n fix his tits. "Hhhh" He groaned, struggling slightly as he rolled the bottom of his binder down so it'd actually pull over his body.

"I've gotten better at thiss at least." Zack mumble as he looked into his mirrior to shape. He pulled on his shirt and tucked it in, pulling the bottom out slightly and smiling at his appearance.

Sure it would probaly be considered generic or bland to most but he loved this outfit~ His shirt was somewhat loose--loose enough to not look dumb with these pants at least--and the pants he had on were flowy, dress up like pants that has a stretchy band that hugged his waist nicely.

"I look hot." He said and snatched up his choker to put it on then sitting down and grabbing his platforms as well, wanting to be extra and confident looking at least on his first day at a new school.

New school, no friends, last year...

His shoulders drooped dramatically at his last realization. "how the fuck am I supposed to reintroduce myself as Zackery to people hhhh" He stressed, looking at himself in the missior once more and debating weather or not he should put on his mask or not.

In the end he dicided to and took his bags down the hall to the livingroom, having already packed them the night before. His normal school bag had normal school things in it and his personals bag had his sketchbooks, markers, pens, erasers, and switch inside along with his jacket he'd shoved in there since it shouldn't be cold outside.

"I'm gonna go crank the truck up ma" He called out as the screen door shut behind him, clicking the button on key thing and canking up and putting his bags in in advance.

It was 7:20, the time they were supposed to leave and of course they weren't so he sat inside to wait.


Zackery was litterally trembling as he walked into school, having no clue where to go because he didn't pay attention to the tour he was given, feeling like there were so many eyes on him as he walked to where he remembered where he was supposed to go for his schedule, his sister following behind.

She didn't look as nervous as him, almost looking like she wanted to get away from him--probaly from the looks he was getting.

They were met with two people when they got there, two people that were unfortunatly chatty more so towards Zack than his sister but he pushed through it and took his schedule from them, honestly zoing out as they were walked to where each of their lockers were.

There was where Zack might as well been somewhere completely different with how distracted he got from a pretty boy he saw by the locker that was his.

He snatched his eyes away though when he began moving, looking down at his paper for his locker combonation when they stopped.

"It's forward backwards forward, ok?" Zack nod "Alright, we'll go help your sister out, ask someone for help if you need it!" Alyssa said as she and the other student council memeber walked off with his sister.

"I like your choker." The boy next to him mumbled, glancing at him sideways as he closed his locker. "and your platforms."

"Thank you~" Zack said as he fiddled with his lock, soon stopping when a hand took it for him and began turning it "What's your first number?" The boy next locker asked.

"69, I'm pretty sure." Zack mumbled n called out the next two numbers when needed, watching him take the lock off when he was finished. "There you go." He said with a very slight smile.

"thank you! uh--what's your name?" Zack asked nervously, adding in "n your pronouns" nervously when there was a moment of silence.

"Connor Murphy, he him." Connor said simply, his eyes noticably going to Zack's choker before going back up to his face "What about you?"

"Oh 'm Zackery n I go by he they, thanks for asking n thanks for opening my locker" Zack said and Connor nod, waiting around as Zack locked and unlocked his locker once more just to test it out.

"What's your first class?" Connor asked and leaned over to look for himself. "Oh you're a senior." He mumbled as he looked at his schedule, seeing it was the same and showing Zack.

"Can I just follow you around then, I've no clue where my classes are."

Connor nod "Come on then" and began walking, making sure Zack was walking next to him before going more than a few steps.

"Heeey Connor! Love the new hair length and associate, very school-shooter chic" Jared said as they passed, making Connor--and so Zack--stop.

"Don't mind it, he looks like he plays leauge so that's probaly the only insult he knows." Zack said after looking Jared up and down, putting a hand on Connor's back and urging him forward as he began walking again. "Let's go Con"

Connor resisted a bit but eventually left, thinking over what Zack had said back while Jared remained flabbergasted. "You gotta admit that leauge joke was funny" Zack said and laughed a bit, making Connor breathe out a laugh as well.

"It was. Thanks for that." The rest of the walk to class was silent but Zack didn't feel so anxious anymore, just following Connor into class and taking the chair next to him at the back corner of the class.

"what are some stuff you're intrested in? I'm pretty good at art n I like to play games a lot n writing..." Zack asked and unzipped his minecraft bag to pull out his previous sketchbook, handing it to Connor as he waited for an answer.

"I'm into art too.." Connor said as he flipped through Zack's sketchbook, stopping just to pull his own sketchbook from his bag and hand it to Zack "you can look through mine too."

Zack slipped out a "Pog" before he could stop himself, giving himself the suprised pikachu face in his head as he tried to act like he didn't just say that as Connor silently smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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