Ch. 1 - His very best friend.

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Tommy screamed as his friend, Tubbo, talked about running far away from the prison, they've just escaped from, to hide in Snowchester, to run away from the smp, to go to the moon.

Tubbo was scared, he feared his death and the death of his friend. Tommy was scared as well, but other than Tubbo, he has given up, to him all hope was lost and all of Tubbo's ideas on how to stay alive pointless. With the revive books power and Punz by his side Dream, his biggest enemy, his biggest fear, has become a god and there was nothing for Tommy to change that.

"Tubbo stop, its all pointless... Dream has won-"

"NO TOMMY" Tubbo yelled back " THERE HAS TO BE A WAY WE CAN-"

"TOBY LISTEN TO ME!" Tommy interrupted his friend again "its over... Dream, he is a god. No matter where well hide or how far well run, if he wants to he will find and end us for good."


It was silent between the 2 for a good minute before Tubbo began to talk again. "Tommy i know it seems hopeless but look how far we made it! And just now in the prison, you saved us both and now... it'll be my turn to save us! Just please you gotta trust me...

*Tubbos thoughts: We cant give up now. I dont want us to give up, but Tommy... I dont want us to die but what will i do! He is right... but i dont want him to be right! I have no idea what to do...*

Lets go to Snowchester big lad. I have a bunker there, its save from explosives and... Ill keep you save there, ok?"

Tommy noded, despite him thinking that it would be pointless. Tubbo head into Snowchesters direction and Tommy followed him silently, every now and than Tubbo would say some things to chear Tommy up but he just always started at the ground, his eyes full of despair and his head full of thoughts...

*Tommys thoughts: so this is it? Will this be the last time me and Tubbo walk and talk together? How much time is there left until Dream and Punz will come to slaughter us? I... I dont want to die... isn't there any other way? Fighting against Dream is pointless, like fighting against God... wait but what if-...*

An idea has shoot into Tommys mind, a way to stay alive, an option to keep living...

"Here we are! Home sweet home Snowchester..." Tubbo  said and gave his friend a worried look before continuing, something was clearly of with Tommy. "you see that over there! *he points at a strange round structure* thats my bunker, its save from explosives and maybe even from Dream, heh... come on Tommy even if we should die eventually we can at least still have some last time together." Tubbo smiled and to his surprise Tommy smiled back, it wasn't a real smile Tubbo knew that but it reassured him somehow,  maybe not all hope was lost after all...

"You're right Tubbo lets not waist our time..." Tommy replied.

The bunker turned out to be a control room quite literally next to a huge nuke, Tommy knew Tubbo used to make nukes with Jack manifold, he even saw them before, but this one was different it felt like it would be at least 10 times more destructive.
In the corner of the control room was an small couch, Tommy sat down while looking around, it looked like this was someones work place; on the small table infront of the couch was a laptop, some books and stuff to write with. Next to the table was a scuffed trash bin and a lot of empty bottles.

Seems like Tubbo actually spend a lot of time down here. Just in time when Tommy finished looking around Tubbo sat down next to him, he brought a bag of crips with him, it rembered the blonde of the time when the 2 of them went to the final disc fight against Dream, he also had crisps with him on the bench.

"Here" Tubbo said as he passed Tommy a bottle with his other hand.

"I didn't know you were drinking" Tommy said while he looked at the bottels label, it was the same stuff Schlatt would use to drink. As soon as Tubbo opend his bottle he could smell the alcohol.

"You dont want it?" Tubbos said in a casual voice "You dont need to drink if you dont want to"

Tommy shook his head "this might be the first and last time..."

The 2 best friends sat there chuckeling and rembering old times until both of them had slowly emptied their bottels.
Tommy looked at his empty bottle as he sat there in silence, he felt a singel tear running through his face and made sure to quickly wipe it away.
He wasnt sad because everything would end and both of them would die, no surley not, Tommy had other plans.

Tubbo stopped staring at the floor as he noticed his friend standing up, he was about to say something but Tommy was faster than him.

"You know Toby i wanna thank you, youve always been my best friend and always will be...

*Tubbo smiled*

...thank you for being my friend and im sorry...

*Tubbo stopped smiling and looked up to his friend* sorry for what im about to do."


Glass spread over the room as it hit his head, his vision gut blury and darker and the last thing he saw before hitting the floor and passing out was his best friend.

His very best friend.



I will have fanart with every chapterthat matches none of the art is mine all the art is from pinterset and i mostly dont know the artist but i will credit them if i know whos art it is!!!

But the Au is completely original by me >>:))

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