9: Friends

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Y/n's POV

What should I tell her? I got a big position because my boyfriend is the CEO. No, no. They will blame me for nepotism, even though it's true... But, then what do I say?

"Um- well, I think Tae- I mean, Mr. Kim just really liked my designs, I guess..." I awkwardly replied. Oof, I don't think I'm a good liar...I mentally face-palmed myself.

"Is that so? You're very lucky then." Can't believe she bought that.

"How come?" Why am I lucky exactly?

"Well, because Mr. Kim, as you know, is a very big businessman. Everyone knows he really cares about the quality of his products. He really has an eye for style, so if he likes your designs, they must be really good."

I can totally see this. He always wears these nice suits and even got me Gucci clothes.

"I see."

"So have you met anyone already?" Lisa started eating her food as she kept questioning me about things.

"I met a woman named Jeannie. She kind of showed me the ropes."

"She did?" she asked, surprised.


"How was she?"

"Honestly, pretty rude. She didn't look like she wanted to help me, at all."

"Let me guess, Mr. Kim ordered her?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"Jeannie is known as the rude, jealous girl here, but she's a very good designer, so Mr. Kim keeps her and we all tolerate her. She doesn't really care about what anyone says, except for when Mr. Kim says something. Some said she was trying to become the head designer too."

Oh god. I think I already made myself an enemy...

"But don't worry about her too much. She can't do anything anyways." Lisa assured me.

"Oh well, okay then. What is your position here actually?" I shrugged off the scary thoughts and asked her.

"Me? Oh, I work in the marketing department."

"Oh, cool."

We continued talking some more while eating our lunch. Lisa is a very nice girl. She's very open, her personality is great and she's pretty. I hope we will get along well.

"So, what do you think?" she asked all of the sudden.


"Are we friends now?"

Friends? Now that I think about it, apart from Taehyung's friends, which I haven't met yet, I apparently don't have any other friends. Maybe It's a good opportunity for me.

"I would love to be your friend." I told her and smiled at her.

"Yay!" She beamed, like a teenager.

My life is starting afresh and now, I made my first friend.

We talked a little bit more until lunch break ended. We both went back to our work and after it ended, Tae and I went home.

[A few days later]

It's been a few days since I started working and living with Tae. Everything has been going very smoothly. At work, everything is going great. My colleagues are all very nice to me and they liked my work. Lisa and I have been getting along well too.

At home, things are great too. Tae and I are peacefully living together. Even though he says he is my boyfriend, he doesn't get too intimate with me. He probably still doesn't know what his limits should be. I haven't clearly told him either, since I am very embarrassed to talk to him about it.

I was sitting on the couch when Tae walked up to me. He sat down and turned towards me. He looked very happy for some reason.

"Y/n, guess what." He excitedly said.


"Our friends are coming to visit tonight! Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung were out of town, so yesterday when they came back, I immediately asked everyone to come over." He exclaimed.

"Omg, why didn't you tell me earlier? I need to prepare dinner for everyone then. We're lucky we already cleaned the house." I scolded him, with a smile.

"Heh sorry, let me help you with cooking."


We both went towards the kitchen to start cooking. Since Tae isn't a great cook, the kitchen looked like a mess. Flour was everywhere, even on Tae himself. He looked like a cute ghost. I laughed at him.

"Heeyy, what are you laughing at!" He had a little pout on his face. His hands were on his hips.

"Look at your face!" I pointed at him and continued laughing at him.

"Just you wait."

He suddenly started walking towards me with a smirk. My smile slowly disappeared from my face. I backed away but I couldn't go any further, because my lower back pressed against the kitchen counter.

He caged me by putting his arms at the side of my body so that they were leaning against the counter. His eyes were full of mischief and amusement. A hot smirk plastered on his lips. My body started burning up from the closeness. His cologne was entering my nose and it was making me a little dizzy. It smelled good, too good. His face suddenly came even closer to mine.

I closed my eyes tightly, not knowing what to expect. I gulped hard. Suddenly, I felt something against my cheek. His cheek, which was full of flour, was rubbing against mine. It was a simple action but what I was feeling was far from simple. My heart was racing and I could hear Tae's breathing. After some moments that felt like years, he pulled away. When I didn't feel anything anymore, my eyes flew open.

His face had this cocky expression on it. I was so bewildered by his actions. All I could do was stand there, with red and white cheeks. My heart was beating like crazy. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. I felt like I could pass out. I couldn't think straight anymore. What just happened?

"Since we're done cooking, let's clean up before the boys come. He whispered with that deep, husky voice of his. My heart couldn't handle any more of this.

He walked away from me, to get to the bathroom. My mind was in jumbles. That was honestly so hot of him. I stood there for a while but I quickly regained my posture and started cleaning the kitchen, when I remembered that the boys were coming soon.


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