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Y/N was on her way to the prison where Kingpin was last seen at. She planned on getting there tomorrow, around noon, because she wasn't taking a plane. All of the flights were packed and it was too last minute to book a flight, yet somehow Clint and Kate did.

Night was approaching as Y/N entered the end of her drive for the day. Traffic wasn't great, either. Relatives that wanted to get to their families last minute were all rushing to arrive to their destination, while Y/N wanted just to get back to her her family and Kate desperately.

Finally, the cars moved forward, allowing Y/N to exit the highway. Now, thankfully, it was only a 15 minute drive to the Motel she was staying at. The radio was softly playing Christmas music in the background while Y/N's tiredness dragged on. Sleep deprivation wasn't something new to her. She was always tired during the day, but somehow could never fall asleep during the night. That's another thing. Night is when Y/N got most of her work for S.H.E.I.L.D done, so she had barely anytime to sleep anyway. She basically just took naps here and there during the day.

Once she arrived at the motel, Y/N set her things down in her small room and climbed into bed. Since she had a mission the next day, she decided that she should actually get some rest.

Y/N turned off the lights and stared at the ceiling, hoping her body would just give in and allow her to sleep. Obviously, this wasn't working because two hours later, she still sat there, restless as ever. One last time, Y/N tried to fall asleep using various tactics. Counting sheep, relaxing her entire body, focusing on her breathing, but all of which led to negative results.

Finally, she decided to check her phone, for she had put it on silent all day. Surely there were some texts from her family, and possibly Kate.

She opened her phone to see several texts from everyone in her family, and a voicemail from Kate. She decided to read and respond to the texts first, and then call back Kate.

Hey kid, where are you? You missed dinner. Lila was really upset, so you better apologize to her.

short lil sis
Where are you?
You missed dinner.
I really thought BOTH you and dad were gonna be home for Christmas, but I guess not.

Hey, honey. Just wanted to check in because you missed dinner. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, but it's a shame you weren't there. Kate said you had somewhere to be, so when will you be back?

Lila's fuming lol
Be back soon

Y/N chuckled at her younger brother's calmness. It was almost as if he just texted her because Lila made him.

Y/N sent quick responses to all of them, saying things along the lines of 'yeah, I'm fine' and 'I'll be home as soon as possible.' She knew she would have a parade of replies, but that isn't important. What's important is checking her one voicemail, from Kate.

The World's Greatest (back) Archer
'Hey, N/N! I know you said you had somewhere to be, and I assumed you didn't want me asking about it, cause you're super secretive and all that stuff, but I'm just checking in. I'm in my room right now- or, er, our room, so no one can hear me. BUT, you can tell me anything cause Lila doesn't really wanna talk to you right now, sooo yeah. See you soon, be safe'

Y/N chuckled at Kate's rambling. She always did this when she was nervous or exited, and it was very cute.

Y/N decided to call her back because she felt too horrible to not. The phone rang once, and Kate immediately picked up.

"Hey, Y/N! Oh my god, are you okay? It's practically midnight and you're not home! Did something happen? Are you alright? Should I come? I could totally come, I mean, I'm basically a pro-"

"Hey, Kate. Nice to hear you, too. I'm at a Motel right now and I won't be home for a week, and no, I don't need you to come over. I'm fine," explained Y/N softly.

"Are you sure? Why won't you be home until a week?" Kate asked in a worried tone.

"I can't tell you. Or my family. Or anyone else, but all that matters is that I'm gonna be home for New Years."
Explaining that you were an "Avenger" practically your entire life to your ex wasn't easy to do. Especially over the phone, so Y/N decided to leave that conversation for another day.

"We'll, be safe. I'll see you next week," Kate replied worriedly.

"Mhm, bye," Y/N said as she hung up the phone.

Finally, knowing Kate was safe, Y/N was able to fall asleep for the first time in months.

A/N- dying I wrote this entire chapter on the treadmill 😭😭😭

Word count: 847

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