13 • Lisa's Letter

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Eddie Hollister stared up at his nephew

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Eddie Hollister stared up at his nephew. He'd been in the library reading a book titled The Mating Rituals of Orangutans. Desmond, Cole's father, was sitting at his desk, watching his brother deny the accusations Cole lobbed at him.

"You sent her this letter, didn't you? You had her killed?" Cole shoved the letter to his uncle.

"Why would I bother to threaten one of your little girlfriends?" Eddie asked, his eyes flitting between Cole and Mina. "My God, you look just like her."

"Stop looking at her. Eyes on me," Cole demanded.

Eddie's brows rose as he unfolded the paper. "What do you expect me to do with this?"

"It's on your stationery," Lance reminded him.

"Not to mention my assistant pulled up your banking history for the past four years. You sent a hundred-thousand-dollar wire to Salvatore Romano. Fifty of that went to the man driving the bus that killed Lisa."

"I do not know who this Salvatore person is!" Eddie cried, looking at his brother for help. Desmond's eyes narrowed on Eddie. "That stationery isn't special and anyone in this household had access to it."

"So, you're denying everything?" Cole asked.

Eddie sputtered before shaking his head. "I absolutely refuse to humor you about this. Barbara already told us you know the baby wasn't yours. She also told us you were sleeping with her doppelgänger. Why do you even care what happened to her?"

"It was mine," Lance said. "I care about what happened to that baby. I deserve to know—"

"How could you be so sure?" Desmond asked Lance. He held his hands up in front of him. "Sorry for interrupting your would-be valiant speech where you admitted to betraying my son, but from what I've gathered, it appears Cole's ex-girlfriend may have been one of Eddie's conquests."

"Desmond!" Eddie stood, throwing his book on the sofa.

Desmond shrugged. "I saw her leaving your bedroom one morning. I knew Cole would eventually break it off once he was tired of dipping his toes in unchartered waters. Originally, I thought he was biding his time until Vivi returned. I was mistaken."

Cole's face fell. How many people had betrayed him?

"She slept with you?" Mina asked Eddie, disgust in her voice.

"What? You think I'm not good enough?" Eddie snarled. "I assure you she enjoyed herself enough to come back for more."

"Did she tell you she was pregnant?" Mina asked. "Did she threaten you for money to keep the baby quiet?"

Eddie's face paled.

"You killed her," Lance said, shaking his head in disbelief. "You killed Lisa and my... well, what could've been my child."

"Or it could've been his," Mina muttered, pointing to Eddie.

"Enough!" Desmond stood and walked over to his brother. "Lance, I realize your need to uncover the truth, but involving the police would hurt the Hollister's reputation."

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