Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

After lunch, Tang Tang held the rubbed hair in one hand and began to shop online with his mobile phone in the other.

The temperature outside is as high as 43°C, which is more than the 40°C weather forecast yesterday. Tang Tang glanced at the thermometer on the wall and sighed. If only the temperature stopped rising!

She pressed the pain in her heart and began to put things in the shopping cart.

The first thing to buy is drinking water disinfection tablets and water storage tanks. People can not eat, but they must not help drinking water. After the end of the world, the vast majority of people died of water shortage.

This end of the world is caused by high temperatures. After the end of the world, the first resource for the whole planet to disappear is water resources. The rivers and rivers on the earth's surface will disappear completely in the fifth year of the end of the world. The sea water, which accounts for 70% of the whole planet, will also disappear completely in the eighth year of the end of the world. At that time, the only thing human beings can rely on is the small amount of groundwater.

These groundwaters are excavated from underground wells of thousands of meters, and it is not known how many unknown bacteria are contained. In the last life, after extracting groundwater, the government directly heats it against the sun outside and cools it. Then puts it in disinfectant tablets. After heating it again, it is provided to ordinary people to drink.

This drinking water, which has been filtered and disinfected, has the unique smell of disinfectant powder. However, even this kind of water can only be divided into less than 100 milliliters a day.

Tang Tang has had enough of the burning feeling from his eyes to his throat and stomach. In her life, she wants to be a person who drinks water every day.

Disinfectant tablets and water storage tanks can solve the problem of water shortage very high.

Tang Tang is going to buy the kind of stainless steel water tower that factory puts on the roof. Then when browsing the manufacturer's direct sales website, I found that there were large stainless steel tanks for industrial use.

This water tank is made of 304 stainless steel. The maximum capacity of 300 tons of water tank can be spliced. She is going to order five water tanks of this specification, and then she will be assembled in the space. In addition, buy a small tank that can put 10 tons of water and put it in your own room. After the end of the world, the water tank on this open surface can help her block a lot of sight.

After buying water tanks and disinfectant tablets, she went to a store and bought several industrial thermometers. The maximum temperature of household thermometers is only 60°C. Before long, the old thermometer on the wall of her house that had been used for decades would explode. For industrial thermometers, the maximum measured temperature exceeds 1000°C.

With this thermometer, she can roughly judge the activity of the sun from the temperature.

This end of the world is not the end of the world brought by simple abnormal high temperatures. The changes of the whole doomsday are closely related to solar activity. Thinking of the little sun after another, Tang Tang was a little dizzy.

Mao Mao, who had begun to snore in his arms, felt the sudden deepening strength of the shoveling officer. He meowed for a moment, and the little claw stepped on the shoveling officer a few times.

The soft meat mat made Tang Tang recover. This life is different. At least, she is pregnant with these ten catties of hair, and she will not spend the cruel end of the world.

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