A New World

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It seems incredible that I have been exploring the rarities and wonders of this new world for almost six months, my journey through the realm of death is far from over, but today humbly donare one of my diaries s to help the future.

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May 21st... I think, My name is Andrew Sato and I find myself in a world as horrible as fantastic few Minds could have dreamed it if those at home could seewhat I have, maybe I will because the more I learn about this realm the more confident I am that I can take advantage of its strange powers to return home, Today I start recording my journey to create a portal back to the human kingdom, I don't know if it survives, so with every blink of an eye a new challenge looks out my window.

I decided to write a series of diaries in which I will narrate each of my adventures and discoveries in this new world so I will start my story a few hours before my arrival in this world.

Fui a high school senior where the most that came out was my intelligence that exceeded the average which caused me to have no friends, although that did not interest me, in my physique the only thing that stood out was my white hair tone I was never very athletic to say.

One night while the cherry blossoms were falling those petals from in bloom because of the wind I went out of my apartment in which I lived only a loud sound surprised me, a strong headache invaded my whole being, what was it ? That sound reminded me of a .38 caliber pistol.

De nothing my whole body felt heavy until I could not take it anymore and collapsed falling to the floor, I do not know how long I was fainted, but when I managed to wake up I was in a kind of very dimly lit room in which it was very cold, I had a perspective that looked huge, in my mind many questions arose like Where am I? What am I doing here? How long did I faint? out of nowhere a voice said

-Andrew sato- with a strong voice and at the same time delicate, while also listening to some heels walking towards me, he also said -welcome to the afterlife, land of the dead, I am the goddess in charge of guiding the soul of the deceased, as you open up realized you have just passed away that's why you are here- he said with a cheerful tone and at the same time cerium.

With a frivolous tone I replied - then I am dead - while in my mind I was mocking knowing that it could not be true.

"If you don't believe me, look over your head," he said, frowning.

Seeing that I had a halo and what this girl was telling me was actually I could not help but get emotionally upset without losing my composure of course, – if I am dead I must ask, now what should I do?

-well you have two options the first is to go to a roomwhile waiting to be judged for your sins committed in life your other option is to be reborn in another world with all your memories, but in the form of a child of ten years, even if you did not enter either heaven or the inferno-

What kind of world is it? ask interested- smiling at me she explained that it was a medieval style world where there were adventurers, magicians, monsters and a Demon King with an army of undead who tormented the earth, thinking about the pros and cons I decided to accept since I do not like to wait. The moment I accept my body I radiate a strange light.

-Your body will be altered so that you can understand the language of that world, to be able to control the magic, I will also give you the option to choose your adult form.

- Can I choose? - Ask with great enthusiasm-You know I've always wanted a pair of angel wings that I can take out at will and so I can fly from there I want my appearance to be the same-

-so be it- while raising his illuminated hands making a kind of portal -cross it your new world awaits you- -ha, one more thing your wings will appear only when you want to use them, without more to say forever-

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