Mysteries and Betrayals

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Meanwhile in a place close to the neighboring kingdom.

In a forest, which neither the moonlight nor the stars could illuminate, a forest full of gloom, where the only thing that could be heard in the distance was the howl of the wolves and the wind whipping the branches of the trees, where my mind wondered, Where am I? How did I get here?, until, a loud noise left me stunned, a shot perhaps, it was heard like an explosion that caused me to bristle every hair of my being, the only thing I could think of was to run away, without knowing what, I ran as fast as I could, however, behind me the ground was illuminated trembling by the footsteps of those who were chasing me.

Note that it was me who was being persecuted, Why?, What did I do to leave these people so upset?, the more I tried to remember the less wise I apparently suffered from a mental gap, I tried to remember who I am and where I was from, however, I did not succeed, although the circumstances did not allow me. In the distance I glimpsed a kind of path so I followed him to see where it ended.

-I don't think anyone is chasing me anymore- I thought while resting my body on my legs squatting my heart was about to leave my chest, with agitated breathing I sat on the trunk of a leafy tree, I decided to wait until dawn because it seemed dangerous to me to go around a forest without any form of general light, my eyelids became heavier and heavier, I did not know how much more I could be awake, finally the dream managed to overcome me, in my dream I managed to see a kind of huge castle until such intense pain woke me up, what could it be, that would be generating this unbearable pain, until I noticed that, it was the sun, -the sun was burning me, isn't the sun supposed not to do that?. Many questions arose, without knowing the reason for what was happening I decided to stay in the shadows.

I walked and walked until I could no longer when in the distance I saw a village a kind of village I noticed it because I did not have many houses I did not know whether to approach or move away from it but I needed information I did not remember anything about me, I needed to see a doctor who told me what I have, risking I made the decision to enter the town because the need to know who I am became more and more Not knowing who I was and because those people were chasing me, it was becoming unbearable.

Luckily for me the breeze felt sour, the sky was completely cloudy which made my mobility much easier. Already arriving at the village, from afar it looked arid as if nobody was there, out of nowhere I felt that they touched my back with something pointed, I was about to let go in tears however I could not show myself weak slowly turn on myself and observe that the cause of that scare was an old lady, who did not stop nailing her gaze at me.

-Who are you? What do you want? What are you doing here?

With a smile as kind as I could do it-don't worry lady I've just come to see a doctor and know where I am.

-Excuse me little girl is that lately many have come to steal our crops and our livestock, but if you have come to see Dr. John you must not have bad intentions.

"Excuse me, could you tell me where I am?" is that I got lost and I've been walking for hours

Of course dear you are located south of the imperial capital in the village of cardan

The name did not sound familiar, but I tried to pretend as much as I could, the lady offered to take me to the doctor, not to mention the scare that gave me lucia very kind. Once inside the office I observed a mirror so I wanted to see my appearance, but once in front of the mirror I did not look at my reflection, scared I took it away immediately so that no one else would see me. I did not know that doing fear invaded my system very quickly my breathing once again began to stir, try to calm down as much as I could, when I finally achieved it the doctor came out of his office saying -miss you can pass-

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