The Curse for Love and a New Partner

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When I finished speaking the guards who were in the room began to surround me, one of them approached me and in a very low voice said "The king requests your presence in the boardroom" while another guard said "to continue the party" while they escorted me to that place.

The corridor was eternal, a great endless road where silence ruled making my thoughts heard louder inside my mind, I could not stop thinking about what happened before what happened on the balcony was not something that I could simply forget and that's it. Finally I saw the end of the corridor, when I saw her Marceline was waiting for me, her hair and her eyes caused in me a strong and great pain, breathing the same air as her was for me the most magical moment her figure was reflected in my eyes despite this pain that causes me the uncertainty of her look. I know that I would have to tread carefully and that I could lose a lot if I were to make a mistake, could it be that over time I will be able to remove these feelings from my being?

Finally we arrived where Marceline was, there she was with her beautiful crimson eyes that by the poor lighting of the corridor her brightness dazzled like the brightest of stars.

I know that love is nothing more than a fantasy that only serves as a distraction, although the background would like to reciprocate that feeling I do not know if it is possible.

Once we entered the meeting room the king looked at me with disdain, but despite his intimidating appearance he began to laugh - ha ha ha ha - how deep his voice was made me laugh - so you are the one who saved my daughter. You do not seem very capable to face the Demon King much less defeat him, -he said approaching me- the only way to achieve the impossible is to believe that it is possible- ignoring my comment he continued talking -from your interior emanates a lot of miasma that sensation causes chills so try to control it from now on ... And one last thing - he landed in front of me, stared into my eyes and said - thank you very much for saving my daughter's life for that I am grateful to you - that last comment upset me more than the others.

An uncomfortable silence took over the room, -father this boy faced alone the fearsome leviathan and survived and even managed to convince him to fight by his side.

-Interesting you! Boy tell me, aren't you human? truth? - said the intrigued king - father he is the angel of death, Azrael the most feared of the heavens, heavens and even the underworld he is the key to defeating the Demon King, even the Archi demons feel respect towards him.

I am an angel sent by the goddess and I have come with the sole purpose of bringing the death of everyone who stands in my way," I said without thinking since my mind was scattered, but I felt that around me the guards who guarded me felt intimidated, apparently the miasma that emanated weakened them mentally and my comment made them more upset. The atmosphere was improved with Marceline's comment, which said do not fear gentlemen will not hurt you, the only thing I suggest is that you do not get angry or try to hurt your ally, however I do not think it will happen.

"Boy," said the king, interrupting Marceline, "although we are grateful that you have saved the life of our princess, we cannot blindly trust you. I believe that you can win our favor and our military support by performing a small task, in which you must enter the forest of death and find the omphalo stone which is located in the ruins of the old castle.

-Before that I have two questions, the first is, does it sound like it is important, because nobody has recovered it yet? And one more thing, Marceline will go with me and I don't intend to discuss it.

-So be it... My daughter will accompany you on your adventure, butyou must be careful because the castle is protected by a being from darkness. Without more to say I wish you luck ... - a moment of silence became eternal while I thought if this mission was some kind of trap, the silence was broken thanks to Rioko who suggested that we return to the party, so we did not leave the place, after the meeting I could not help but get anxious the excitement of facing the danger made me shudder was a completely satisfactory feeling.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2022 ⏰

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