Chapter 13: Ain't No Rest for the Wicked

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Raya POV

Still feeling weightless from my interaction with Shota, I sigh happily, dazed. It feels great being around him because I don't have to hide myself. I understand that I can come off as... an asshole, to be frank. But I'm a compassionate asshole; my sense of humor can come off as me being an ass, but at the end of the day, if someone needs a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen, I'm there. Personally, I've had to crawl out of some of the darkest pits in hell and, mentally, I wouldn't want anyone to experience such a devastating collapse. I can't stand people being truly upset, which is why I normally temper my personality with most people. I only really let go with people that are able to push back and humor me with a similar vibe...And surprisingly that raven-haired, emo-boi, cat-loving dork is able keep up with me.

Now, with everything going on, it's all overwhelming. I toss my head back on the couch and lazily petting Gigi as I think about the past week. So much has happened...

New job, new potential leads on my parent's case, unknown threat, and meeting the elusive underground hero I've been fangirling over for the past couple years. I run a hand through my hair and let out a silent laugh at the insanity that is my life.

Turning my gaze to the wall clock, I let out a groan.

"Ain't no rest for the wicked, huh?" I say to my empty apartment. Letting out another groan, I gently shift Gigi off my lap and get on my hero uniform for night patrol.

Slipping on my helmet *System online* "Activate police scanner and map readout," I make my way to the balcony and set off across the rooftops. The warm nighttime air wisping through my hair, I leap from building to building.

"System, turn on spotify playlist: nighttime angsty vibes." Have Faith In Me by A Day To Remember plays first as I take a seat on the ledge of a red brick apartment complex. I smirk when I think of Shota telling me that everyone at U.A. has my back, nudge nudge, including him. A silent laugh escapes me as I look up to the stars, barely visible because of the city lights.

In the corner of your eye, on the helmet's readout, you see the date and you suck in a deep breath. Damn, with everything that has been going on you completely forgot what day it was.

29th of June

I pull out my phone and sigh as my finger hovers over the play button. You click the button, and the voicemail starts playing.

"Hey starlight, we know you're in class right now, but we wanted to let you know that we will be home late." A deep voice emanates from the speakers in my helmet. Your chest tightens and your jaw clenches as you listen on.

"Hey baby, your dad and I will see you after dinner, call us after school and let us know if you want us to bring you anything back." The softer, soothing voice of your mother sings.

"We love you! B-" It cuts off as they both express their love. You thought nothing of it at the time because your parents weren't the most tech savy people. Now you know better. The timestamp of the call was minutes before the police were called about a fire breaking out. It was some of their last words. You never got to say goodbye. I wish I knew. I wish I answered the phone. I wish I could tell them I loved them back. A stray tear falls and is soaked by the inner pad lining of the helmet. I take the helmet off and wipe my face. You place the helmet on the ledge beside you.

Losing myself within my thoughts and the silence of the city night, I don't even realize the silent approach behind me until...

"You shouldn't hang over the edge like that, wouldn't want to accidently fall asleep and take a tumble."

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