Chapter 35: Morning after

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Hello dear readers! hope you enjoy the chapter.

Warning: smut smut smut and some fluff.


Shota POV

The sun casts over my face, slowly waking up. I've never slept so well. Shifting in the bed I realize that I'm not alone. Peaking one eye open, then the other and I'm welcomed by the most stunning view. Her face is so delicate as she sleeps. She stirs a bit in her sleep, then I feel her hand reach out gradually until it lands on my chest. Raya pulls herself closer, turning her head into my torso. As I wrap my arms around her and hold her close, a soft smile presents. I never want to let her go.

Letting out a content sigh, I don't remember the last time I slept through the whole night without waking up from the ghosts of my past. This almost doesn't feel real. If it wasn't for the warmth of her soft breathes, I would've thought this was a hallucination.

I can't help the smirk the tugs at the corners of my lips as I feel her relax into my arms.

Soothingly, I draw gently strokes with my fingers across the marks I left on her soft skin and the events of last night come rushing back to me. I watched as she gave herself over to me completely. As much as she fought it, I could tell that it turned her on. Her legs wrapped around my waist, pulling me deeper inside her.

A soft chuckle escapes me and a shake my head looking down at her. Gods, she drives me crazy.

Raya stirs again in her sleep, then slowly begins to open her eyes. As she awakens, her arms snake around me, and her face nuzzles into my chest, pulling in my warmth.

She looks up at me, smiling softly. "Morning."

I grin, kissing her nose. "Good morning gorgeous."

Her cheeks color a little, and I can't help the sound of laughter escaping me.

"Stop making me blush." She scolds.

I tilt my head, "Now, why would do that? I like knowing my words can have such an effect on you."

She attempts to hide a smile and squeaks out a little, "I don't know what you're talking about."

I lean down, pressing my forehead to hers, "Brat."

I hear her muffled giggles, which only make me grin wider.

Smirking, she says, "Who's the brat?"

I nudge her nose with mine, "Do you need me to teach you another lesson, little one?" I stare her down, raising an eyebrow.

She tries to squirm away from me, but I tug her into me tighter.

Clicking my tongue in disapproval, she freezes under my gaze.

I smirk, "Good girl." I lower my voice seductively.

"Mmhm." She purrs, biting her lip.

My heart skips a beat and I get lost in the sight of her. Her honey eyes drawing me in, her cheeks flushed and her hair falling in loose waves. My fingers trail along her cheek, tracing the line of her jaw, before I dip down, capturing her lips.

When we part she gives me another one of her smiles. Those damn smiles. How can something so simple have such an effect on me, its completely illogical, but my heart stutters briefly every time. Regardless, I'd do everything to protect it.

"We do need to get out of bed at some point." She says poking my cheek and breaking me out of my thoughts.

I groan, remembering that I will be subjected to menace #1 and menace #2 tonight. I'd rather just stay in bed and avoid the headache.

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