Christmas Future - Part 2

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"Listen, venting has its place," Henry said. "Getting your issues out in the open is better than bottling them up. But eventually you have to let it go and move on. Are you ready for that?"

"He's got a point," Peter agreed. "How about you try listening to each other? No judgements. Just hear each other out."

Canon Neal gave his Peter a stubborn look. "You think you're capable of that?"

In response canon Peter said, "We've done it before. There was that night I gave you personal immunity for anything you confessed before dawn. I've always abided by that."

"Can we do that again?" canon Neal asked. "It won't take until dawn. But if I could tell you what's going on, really trust you..." He looked wistful. "Everything I did this time, it was for you. I was trying to help you, in the only way I knew how."

"It's Christmas Eve," canon Peter said. He reached for his badge, and placed it on the coffee table. "I'm off the clock, and a holiday centered on the birth of a baby is surely about new beginnings and hope. Even a lapsed Catholic can't ignore all of that. Let's give it a try. Tonight I'm not an agent. Just an old friend who wants to reconnect and help, if I can."

Canon Neal looked around the room. "Would you do it?" he asked his counterpart.

Neal nodded, and Henry added, "Honestly, what's the worst that could happen? And is that any worse than how things are now?"

"You have no idea how much I missed you." Canon Neal wasn't the only one looking rather emotional at that point.

El spoke up. "Peter. Sorry, not you, hon. The other Peter. If you're going to stay and hear Neal out, shouldn't you call your wife and let her know you're going to be late getting home?"

"Oh, God, you're right." Canon Peter stood and pulled a cell phone out of his pocket while he walked over to the kitchen to assure his wife that he was simply running late and wasn't in any danger. As the call was wrapping up, Henry elbowed Neal and whispered something. Neal wandered over to grab a plate of cookies from the countertop and bumped into canon Peter.

A moment later both Peters said, "Neal," in a stern tone.

Neal handed the plate of cookies to El and pulled a phone out of his sleeve. Henry leaned forward to look at it. "Cool. I haven't seen one of these before."

"And he's the reformed one?" canon Peter said, rolling his eyes.

"It's a smartphone," canon Neal said, taking the phone. "Much better than the cell phones you have now. You'll love the touchscreen. See, you press here, and then enter the password."

"Which you don't know," canon Peter said smugly.

"You change it quarterly," said Neal. "This is December, so it's Joe's birthday." He entered the password and then canon Neal started showing Henry how to access the apps.

"You know my password?" canon Peter asked.

"I didn't know that." Peter pulled out his own phone and entered the password. "I'm changing it right now."

"Good idea," said Neal. "It's getting close to January, so time to change it to your anniversary." He grinned at El. "That's the most important date for him to remember, which puts it at the top of his list each year."

"I didn't know you were so romantic," El said approvingly to her husband. "What do you use for summer?"

"Who's Joe?" asked canon Neal as he handed the phone over to Henry.

"Oh, that's Peter's older brother. Nice guy. We all went to his wedding in Hawaii last Christmas," Neal explained.

"You have a brother?" canon Neal asked.

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