Chapter Eleven - The Deal

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"Before I tell you what I need, I think you should read this letter that my soldiers found on the pirate's ship." The Tavla held out a rumpled, stained piece of paper to me.

I took the letter with trembling hands.

Dearest Solace,

I do not know if this letter will ever reach your hands. It feels like it is an eternity since you've been gone, but it has only been less than a day. When I learned of your secret banishment from the guard that was with the third prince, I was determined to rescue you as quickly as possible. You must understand my motives for such a thing. If anyone is able to understand, it would be you. You know how much I love you and want the best for you, even when you pretend not to. You were my dearest friend when life was hard for me.

We both know that the last time we saw each other was an awful, awkward moment. I hated that we argued again, when I just wanted us to be like we once were. To tell you that this distance between us still makes my heart ache, is not enough to truly convey how I feel. There are so many things I want to say to you, and once I have you safely in my arms, I will. Just be patient even though I sent these hard men to rescue you. I know that they are scary, but I paid dearly for them to bring you to me. They won't harm you.

The thing that grieves me the most to tell you is that your father took his life shortly after seeing you in the prison. I was not able to get to him before he passed. I am sorry, truly. It may not be enough, but I am trying to make you understand that I am here for you. That I would never leave you alone. Please, I hope you will come with me. I will be taking you to the city of Skiritis, where my family has land. Stay safe until then.

Until next time,

Chevral, your future husband

My hands shook as I reread the last paragraph until my vision blurred, hoping the words could somehow change.

The thing that grieves me the most to tell you is that your father took his life shortly after seeing you in the prison.

...took his life shortly after seeing you in the prison.

...took his life...

The Tavla and his two companions waited for me to process the missive.

"No..." I tipped my head back into a silent scream, and squeezed my eyes shut. I tried to steady myself but couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness. A sob wracked my body as I dropped to my knees and hugged myself, the letter crumpling in my hand. The sound of my wails echoed off the walls of the throne room.

Sparks arced along my arms as my emotions floundered.

The woman ran down the steps of the dais and sat on the ground next to me and held me. The arcing magic ceased. "I'm sorry for the shock, child."

I shook my head, unable to find the strength within me to speak, or move away from her touch. Her fingers gently stroked my hair, and then she kissed the crown of my head, making me flinch. She sat there, holding me, until my tears slowed. "It wasn't your fault." She spoke to me in a soft, soothing manner. "You had nothing to do with your father's death." She glared up at Perron and the Tavla. "Do you see what I mean? She's far too young and vulnerable to be placed into this!"

Where sorrow had carved a deep, empty pit where my heart once lay, rage and retribution filled it up. This was not my fault. No. This was Kohl's fault, and those who had framed me as a traitor to Sanfelton. My wrath dried my tears. Kohl would pay dearly for what he had done. I threw the letter down in front of me and gritted my teeth. As my rage boiled, my mind cleared, and I knew what I would do.

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