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"But do you know the darker the night, the brighter the stars glow?" — Katy Perry

"Look Wil, look at the stars," Safe arms pick him up, pointing to the sky as the stars above shift, moving in sync in a beautiful dance of time.

"Are they falling?" He whispers, clinging to the safety.

"They are dancing," comes the response. "They dance because it is the festival of the moon, and the stars celebrate the moon just as much as we do,"

"Is that why the village is celebrating? They're celebrating the moon too?"

"It is my little bird, every year we celebrate the moon on this day," He turns them away from the edge of the balcony. "Now what do you say we go get your brother and go down to the village and join in the festivities?"


"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck—"

"Watch your language,"

"Shut up Technoblade,"

"We're half a minute away,"

"And we were supposed to be there four minutes ago!"

Techno shrugs. "Their problem for giving us so little warning,"

"Not a good attitude to have, Techno,"

"What're they gonna do, we're royalty,"

Wilbur rolls his eyes. "Why couldn't they get Tommy to do this?"

"He's twelve,"

Wilbur mutters incoherent curses under his breath as the two of them speed walk towards the village centre.

"Would kill to have wings right now,"

"Save your breath Wil, you need to look at least somewhat presentable for this,"

"So do you!"

"It's a war, I'm allowed to be a little haggard,"

"Then so am I!"

"You're the presentable peace-maker, so no,"

"Fuck off," Wilbur scowls at him.


"You're starting to sound like Bad,"

Techno gives him a horrified look, "Never mind, swear all you like," Wilbur laughs at that.

They reach the town centre where the voices they hear match up with nearly the entire population of the village all crowded into the one area.

The prince's skirt the edge of the crowd and ascend the stairs onto the stage. Wilbur vaguely notes a lone crow take flight from a rooftop.

He takes a deep breath and straightens his jacket before stepping up to the centre of the stage. The crowd falls into muted whispers.

"I apologize for the wait everyone," The crowd falls silent now that he's speaking. "We have... received some rather unfortunate news..." What Wilbur has to tell them next is something he never wanted to have to share with his people. "The threat from the east has escalated to... to war,"

Voices break through the crowd, laced with panic, fear, and anger. Wilbur tries to speak again but it's pointless, nobody is bothering to wait for him to finish.

As his eyes glaze over the crowd before him they catch on someone in the dead centre of the crowd. She stands out against all the people in dark blues and greens, wearing a silver dress with white fur lining her pale blue cloak. Her black hair falls around her shoulders, standing out against the snow-like appearance of her outfit. Silver beads and jewelry are pinned in her hair, resembling teardrops and little stars.

Shooting Star 🌟 Wilbur Soot x Oc 🌟Where stories live. Discover now