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She was dying ever so slowly, her skin felt cold.

The deal was soon to end, and she was to be his.

Her sickness came in a suprise, days were numbered. He had to do the ritual early.

A great risk was in store, she had a chance of living with her lover or die a horrible death.

This was a risk worth taking for.

The night the servants had slept, the plan went into action.

She looked like an angel, a beautiful angel with a pure heart for his taking.

She lay there, her breathing was soft.

In his hand was a dagger made of pure gold.

He would make her his, no matter what happens.

She screamed bloody murder. Her eyes bloodshot red, her white nightgown drenched in  red.

He did it, she was becoming like him.

A nightmare of pure evil.

A devil.

Deals always has a way of giving you want you want, just not in the way you imagined it.

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