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"So tell me, what do you want to be when you grow up?" 

"I just want to be like you.. 

dad!" The little one replied.



where are you?" 



'The Dream' Production house may shut down soon.

According to sources, the production company is facing many financial problems.


"TD productions are over."

"Mr. Barros struggled so much to raise this company.."

"But his son..he just ruined everything"

"He is nothing without his dad"

"He just doesn't have any talent."


"I'm sorry..

I couldn't make you proud..

I couldn't keep the promise..

People are right..

I'm just..just a loser."

Reo closed his eyes and a teardrop rolled down over his cheek. He felt the cold breeze over his face. As he slowly opened his eyes, he looked at the sea in front of him. He took a step ahead and his feet touched the surface water. 

slowly.. slowly.. he was moving ahead, against the flow of the waves.

..now the water was almost at his knee level.

He could hear the sound of waves,

as if they are calling him,

as if..


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