The ham incident and The Dragon Prince

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If you don't already know The Dragon Prince (TDP) is awesome. that is 100% a fact.

About a week ago my dad was making his lunch for work and when he was about to leave mum realised he had ham in his sandwich. this was weird since she hadn't bought ham in a while so she asked him where he got it because she didn't think we had ham. he responded with "We do. It's four weeks past expiration but it's still sealed so it'll be fine."

Mum didn't want him to get food poisoning and for obvious reasons we both told him off. Eventually he agreed to leave the rotten sandwich if mum brought him a store bought lunch to work.

However while we were telling him off I said "Dad, you cant eat ham four weeks past expiration! It's unhealthy!"

And you know that thing where dads say "hi hungry." when you say "I'm hungry."

Well apparently me calling the ham "unhealthy" triggered him to say "no, it's food" My brain, being currently obsessed with TDP, immediately knew I had to make this meme.

Well apparently me calling the ham "unhealthy" triggered him to say "no, it's food" My brain, being currently obsessed with TDP, immediately knew I had to make this meme

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Also, (if you've seen TDP) how did the bread not crack Ezrin's teeth like the rock?! 🤣

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