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The 5 minute break mostly entailed of chaotic chatter on what would happen next in F's rampage

(H comes into view and says his name) "Aitch" (F then runs into view and hides behind H. CAB drives by not seeing him. F then inhales H and farts him out.)

"Well would you look at that! Became a ghost because of a fart, and died by a fart!" Said H in the laughter of seeing F's Butt.

(I slides in to view and says his name) "Eye!" ( F then does the PIXAR Thing) "Uh, eye eye eye?" "Eaf."

( F the jumps onto I and squashes him.) "EYEYEYEYEYEYE!" "Why! Why do I have to face that!" Letter I said. While everyone looked shocked.

(F then puts I on his head and then shoots a ball towards J) "Guess you can call it an I-on Cannon!" T said.

" Get out." R, A, C, E, and S said. "Jay." (J then sees the ball and gets turned to dust once it hits him. G is looking for F but then sees the blast.

(G then turns around hearing the blast. K then flies in front of What remains of J and says his name.) "Keigh."

"That took longer than expected but at least whoever made this knew I could fly!" K said

(F then puts K on his back and flys up. C, A, B & G then arrive. F then begins to prepare launching the ball of death from the I-on cannon. )

(L appears on camera and says his name.) "Eelll" ( L then enters a sailor moon-esqe transformation, and after L gets a butt and cheekbones, he saves CAB and G from the blast)

Literally F&#£ing everyone begins laughing at the sight of L's butt. Everyone except L that is. "O, what year is it?" L said "2022" O said. "Oh, that's why they are laughing upon the sight of my butt.

(M then appears in the shot and says his name) "Emm" ( M then also does a transformation and gets muscles.)

"YEAH! M stands for MUCLES!" M said (M then Kicks K off of F. N then arrives and says his name.) "Enn" (N then does another transformation and turns into Ñ) "Eñye"

(Ñ then tries to get I off of F but F blows the hair forcing Ñ to run away. Ñ slides back to L and M looking sad. O then arrives and says his name.)

"OOoooooooohhh." (We then see F through O's hole and he looks bored as FRICK) "efffah" (O then does a transformation that we don't see)

"Man this is boring as Fri-" Left W said before getting cut off by everyone saying "Go be like F and we will deport you to the mountain as well!"

( During the transformation, F let's I down and uses him as a chair)

I saw that and fell unconscious do to the amount of pain and suffering his tv counterpart was subject to. Everyone was just purely disgusted at F's actions.

( O then arrives in super form and says his name) "Ohh" ( O then slaps F and subsequently rolls away. P then arrives and says her name.) "Pe!" (P then passes by CAB and is noticed by G.
Both of them subsequently blush. P then does her transformation and all of them stand together making the fastest part of the alphabet: L M N O P!)

"Wow. I am amazed by the transformations but also thankful that they are over!"
X said. He probably had enough of the happy music.

( The camera zooms out to show that the ONLY ones there are the superhero's, CAB, and G.)

"I will give you another 5 minutes to process the information you have received." The voice said.


If you did not get the joke that T made, Ion cannon.

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