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Lowercase L: l
Lowercase I: i
The ten minute break with everyone conversing in what they were going to see. The screen then turns on and they head back to their seats.

(n fades in and says his name.) "eann" ( e rolls in and says his name) "eeee"  (d drops in and says his name.) "deee!"

"The end? That's it!" A said a bit angrily.

(More letters then slide in and say their names) "eye." "eass" "are." (f is then shown and he says his name "eeaafff." (The friends  begin dancing and have a good time.)

"I was expecting f to do something bad." Y said

( l and o show up and begin ruining the fun. l and o make a slingshot out of themselves and hit n. f helps n up before getting letters to embarrass l.) "te!" are!" "ay!" (f then makes l fart and everybody laughs at him.)

Everyone but L and O go crazy and laugh at L because he farted. "f is good here but evil as an adult. What caused that big change?" Several letters said.

(l and o proceed to beat f up. l kicks him and o runs him over before l pushes f to the worst word of all: frick. o then alerts everyone that f spelled the bad word.)


"Oh my god. All this time we thought f placed himself there, but it was L AND O!" Several letters said angrily. 

( All of the letters proceed to beat f up c bites f and j shoots the ball and shatters his teeth. i, m, x, t, e, and d proceed to beat f up, crying gems while getting beat up)

"I see it now. F got revenge only the letters that hurt him, and exactly in the way that they did it." G said. "True. And we are now here because of our actions. This entire thing was a warning!" A replied

"Frick, they know." L said to O under his breath.

( The final blow from e and d proceed to knock him back far enough that he trips on n, who was hiding behind f all that time. n goes to walk up to f but l, m, and o move towards n. n then betrays f and walks back to them and hides behind o.)

"Why did you do that N?" G said to N with a bitter tone clearly noticeable. " L and O, they threatened to kill me if I went anywhere close to the mountain!" N replied sadly. " Okay everyone, here is the plan." G said as everyone began to gather around him.

( f cry's out the last gems before running away. f runs to the mountain, running over g   who was being kissed by p and crying out one last gem while doing so.  l,m,n,o,p, and x get the gems and their powers. The ? Gem gets flung away by the mini-boom. q finds the gem and eats it. He then sees what is going to happen in the future. He try's the get to all of the letters, but is just to slow. f enters the cave slowly making his way to the top, he looks down at the letters first sad, he then grows up and becomes bitter. Wanting revenge on those who hurt him. The camera zooms out to show Z: the planet. Z then  says his name.) "Zeeeee-end"

A flash of white then sends everyone back to Z's head where G's plan is put into action.

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