Prologue - The Death of Entropy

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The kids giggle, watching the meteor shower. The fantastic display of streaking lights across the sky lights their faces with joy. They rest upon the top of a small hill. The three of them smile, and chat about how pretty the meteors are. Eventually, two of them leave, and the one that remains stands up to take a better look at the streaking lights.

She reaches her hand out, as if to grasp one for herself...
"Serra! Lady Serra!" A woman shakes her awake from a nightmare. "Are you alright?"

"Yes," Serra shrugs, "I'm fine." She shakes her head. "Just a bad dream."

"Just a bad dream? You know how dangerous the Wraiths have become these days," the woman shakes her head. "It could've been a Wraith attack, you know."

"I've had that dream before, I know it wasn't them," Serra sighs. "I know you worry about me, mother, but you worry too much sometimes."

Serra's mother sighs in response again. "I know, I know. Just get to sleep. You have training in the morning."

"Alright, I'll try," Serra dismisses her mother and lies back down on the bed. She sighs, thinking about her dream. Three little girls, looking up at the sky... Why was that a nightmare? And how was that scary?
"Next," Serra also works as her mother's assistant, even after her magical training sessions end. "Don't be shy."

"I would like to arrange a meeting with your mother next Tuesday," a woman asks. "Would 10:00 work for her?" Serra peers down at her mother's schedule.

"How about 10:30?" I ask. "She has a short meeting at 10:00, shouldn't take more than half an hour."

"10:30 it is," the woman nods, and walks off. She is followed by a man.

The man places his hand on the counter. "I would like to have a chat with you."

"Me?" Serra asks. She's only twelve. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, Miss Serra. Where and when can I talk with you in private?" He asserts.

Serra points to a room one flight up. "We can talk there now, there isn't anyone else in line." The man nods, and follows Serra in silence into the library of the mansion. "So," Serra sits down. The man follows, "what did you wish to speak with me about?"

"Your nature," the man responds. "Do not be alarmed by what I have to say, for I do not know anything more myself. Do not ask any questions, for the answers I will give you are all I have, is that clear?"

"Yes, sir," Serra shrugs. "So what is my nature? Am I a forest, a desert?"

"Not that kind of nature," the man shakes his head. "What you are."

"What I am?" Serra frowns. "I don't quite understand. Aren't I a 'who', not a 'what'?"

"You are both. A who, and a what..."

"I still don't understand."

"Your species," the man sighs, and realization dawns on Serra's face.

"Oh! You mean, like an elf?" Serra persists.

"Yes... And no. Yes, an elf is a type of species, but you, my dear, are something altogether different."

"Then what am I? A Wraith?"

"No," the man lowers his face. "A demon."

"How? Why?" Serra sputters, but regains composure when she remembers her promise. "So what does this mean for me, if you know."

"It means you have the most powerful magic of anyone here in this realm... But you are not from this realm," the man sighs. "Keep this a secret from everyone. Once you are sixteen years old, you must find a boy. His name is Spartan. You will find him at this time, and you will tell him who you are. He will help you."

"Why are you telling me this?" Serra asks.

"Because you need to save the world," the man frowns, "and you'll need my help to do it."

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