Chapter 14

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Abigail's POV

I wake up with a start, breathing heavily. I must've exhausted myself from all the panic... I stand up, rubbing my eyes, and walk around a bit, trying to wake myself up.

A security officer enters the room. "Ah- You're still here?" He asks worriedly. I nod in response. He sighs. "You should've gone back to your hotel room... We would've called you if we found anything."
"Did you?" I ask, half hopeful.
"...No. Sorry." He replies, avoiding eye contact. I sit back down, letting out an annoyed groan.
"Why did he have to do this?!"
"You think he did this on purpose?" He asks, sitting next to me with his coffee.
"I- I don't know..." I admit. "I kinda hope it was all some stupid prank..."
"Don't worry. This town is pretty isolated. We'll find him."

Hours pass. It drags on. I end up wandering around town to take my mind off things, but it's not the same going out alone.

I end up back at our beach spot, from that first night out. It's cold, and I have no one to snuggle up to. I jump over the rails, landing on the soft sand. I walk along, humming to myself. It's just me here. My personal solitude.

I keep walking, until the sand gets darker and the sound of the waves gets closer. Only then do I look up, and notice how far out I've gone. I'm at the sea now. I smile. Water... Water caused all of this, didn't it? If I hadn't gone in the pool maybe I wouldn't have lost him...

I run onto the pier, stopping just at the edge. I look at my reflection in the calm water. I look so... sad.

I take a deep breath, and leap.

"Hey, there she is!"

I look up, to see a couple of security guards running up to me.

"What happened to yo-"
"Do you have news?!" I ask, almost shouting.
"Ah-" The guards glance at each other. They look nervous.
"I knew it..." I mutter, pushing past.
"Wait!" They shout. I turn around, sighing in annoyance. "Just spit it out." I say, crossing my arms. They both share a worried glance again, before speaking.

"We found him... Andrew, right?"

My breathing gets heavy. I nod.

"Well- We didn't find him. A young girl did."

"Bring me to him." I look them both dead in the eyes. They freeze, unable to respond for some reason. "You heard me, right? Bring. Me. To. Him. Now!" I demand, my voice raising in volume once more. Something just took over me...

They shake their heads.

"Sorry, miss, we can't-"

I follow them through the ground floor and out to the pool. I stop at the exit, grasping my chest. My breathing is so fast it's making me dizzy.
"Are you okay?" One of the guards asks.
"I'm fine." I respond, trying to control the shakiness in my voice. He gives me a worried glance but we continue walking.

The first thing I notice is the ambulance and police vehicles. I'm not sure how they got them into the back of the hotel, but it's there nonetheless, and it makes me feel nauseous.

Next thing is the rather large crowd gathered round.

Next is the police trying to keep the crowd away, putting cones down and shouting a lot.

We shuffle through the people, and the guards tell the police who I am. We're finally let through, but not before one of the officers gives me his condolences. Weird...

Next thing I notice...

I stop. My heartbeat accelerates rapidly. I'm sure I stopped breathing.

No way... No way...


My legs buckle from underneath me, and everything goes dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2022 ⏰

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