Sweet Lilourry in picture. ;P A nice song too :D
"Um... should I?" Louis asked, looking at Harry in concern.
"I guess so" he answered, biting his lower lip.
"Maybe it's kinda weird to tell you that or a bit early but-" all of a sudden a melody played and Harry reluctantly took his phone out of his pocket.
"Sorry I... have to get this" he said, pointing to the cellphone in his hand.
"Sure" Louis said, smiling at Harry.
"Hey Mum" he said after he answered the call.
"Harry where are you? School's over and you're not home!" Louis could hear Harry's mother talking through the phone.
"I'm at um... a... friends house?" He glanced at the older boy who smiled at him and nodded in approval, scooting closer to him and wrapping his arms around the curly boy's waist from behind, resting his head on Harry's shoulder. Harry was surprised by that action but smiled, putting his hand on Louis' who linked their fingers.
"Well, okay. I wish you would've told me, I was so worried!" his mother complained with a soft voice, as if she'd already forgiven him.
"Yeah..." Harry answered, not even really listening to her. He was too busy thinking about the older boy's hand holding his. Louis grinned.
"So are you staying over night?" Harry's mother asked, causing her son to fumble with Louis' fingers uncomfortably.
"Umm..." he said, not knowing what to tell her.
"Yes he is" Louis jumped in, his face already being near to the phone. Harry turned his head to look at him in confusion. Louis beamed at him.
"Oh okay! Have fun sweetheart!" she said. They could practically hear her smiling through the phone.
"Bye Mum, love ya" Harry said quickly before hanging up. He turned around to Louis who let go of the other boy's waist so he could look at him.
"For real-, I mean... seriously?" Harry asked, not daring to believe what he just got offered.
"Sure, I mean, if you want to" Louis said, smiling at the baffled boy.
"Sure" Harry answered, smiling back.
"Sure" Louis repeated, unsure why. He didn't want Harry to go already. He wanted him to stay here. With him. Forever. Well, maybe. Louis had to admit to himself: He was definitely infatuated with the curly boy. He just wanted to hug and cuddle him all the time, maybe even kiss him. He was so... so delicate with his curly hair and the soft but deep voice. I've only really known him for a day Louis thought. He was literally shocked and surprised by himself. He was obviously more bisexual than he expected himself to be. He was pretty sure that Harry liked him too, considering how shy and careful but at the same time fond he acts around him. He didn't exactly know why this boy made him feel all fuzzy inside, nothing and everything was special about Harry. How can you even crush on someone that fast? Louis wondered. Although he really wanted to, he knew that even if Harry liked him too, they couldn't have a romance that quickly, it just wasn't normal. And, he wanted to really get to know him first. And eventually make Harry fall for him. He's had all those thoughts since they started watching the movie, so he had a lot of time to think about that. And he's come to the conclusion that he first wanted things to remain how they were. But he also wanted them to get closer. A little. Step by step. He grinned at those thoughts.
"Hey Harry, I need your opinion on something." Louis got up from the couch, taking Harry's hand and pulling him along with him.
"Okay..." Harry said, following Louis across the hall. They entered Louis' bedroom and the older boy took his laptop and plopped down on the kingsized bed, laying on his belly. Harry plopped down next to him.

Bravery (Larry AU/short story)
FanficLouis has rich parents, a nice car, is popular in his school and invited to every party. Harry is a loner, has a secret in his locker and a loving family. What will happen when they meet under strange circumstances? And how will they react when some...