Chapter 1: freedom and meeting a rose

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We start in a laboratory as we see a boy tied to a table he has red and black hair

We start in a laboratory as we see a boy tied to a table he has red and black hair

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After a few minutes a doctor walks in with a clipboard

Doctor: subject 1050 injuries have been healed in record time [looks at boy] next test will be your pain endurance against a pack of Grimm


Doctor: soon you'll be the perfect weapon "he said before leaving the room"

???: kid we need to get out of here

Boy: who said that?

???: the name's vail

Boy: what's my name?

Vail: huh? How about Xander

Xander: Xander...I like it [looks around] where are you?

Vail: we can meet later right now we need to escape

Xander: how?

Vail: with this

Just then a red stamp appears infront of him

Just then a red stamp appears infront of him

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Xander: and that is?

Vail: the crimson Vistamp

The straps in Xander's table soon fall off letting Xander get up. Just then an alarm goes off

Vail: seems like the jig is up! Use the stamp!

Xander: okay


Vail: say henshin! Then stamp yourself!

Xander: henshin!



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