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Doyoung POV

"Is... is Ten here, I... I wan... him to suck-"

"Yep he's drunk and out" I closed Johnny door as me and Ten were standing in front of his door, Ten sighed and we walked away from it.

"I'm sorry, I thought he would be much better prepared I literally told him I was going to talk to him with you" I said and the younger laughed.

"It's okay, when we were together we would come home drunk out of our minds but we would just laugh for like an hour until we slept" I looked at Ten who smiled then looked down.

"So what are you going to do about the baby, they should be dead with the amount of beer you drank"

"Hey don't say that" Ten replied holding his belly and I laughed.

"I really don't know, it really decides with Johnny if he wants to keep it or not because I really don't know like it could be a new journey in my life or I treat it wrong and something goes bad-" I hugged Ten as he started crying and wiped his tears.

"None of those things will happen if you have the baby, I know because you've literally seen your friends have two so we will help you if you decide to go through with it, I definitely know Taeyong will" the younger hugged me back and laughed at my remarks of Taeyong and we found a bench to sit on.

"I just realised Taeyong and Jaehyun haven't been planning for the wedding, did something stop it from happening" Ten asked me and I nodded.

"Well because of you and Johnny he's basically become paranoid and won't stop shaking until you two get back together so the wedding is on hold" I replied and Ten looked down.

"Of course I'm the cause of this, why can't I just be free out of peoples lives-"

"You're not the cause of this, Taeyong just needs therapy" Ten chuckled then we heard a low growl. I looked around and saw a man dragging himself to us, as he got closer I realised who it was.

"Johnny, Ten it's Johnny" we went to him and helped him, tears were running down his face and he looked liked he hadn't slept in a week.

"How did you get out of your house" I said as we went to his house.

"I'm sorry Ten, I'm so stupid for overreacting I should've listened to you, please forgive me" Ten didn't say anything and we opened the door to the house, we dropped Johnny on the couch before sitting opposite him. Soon Johnny drifted off to sleep and I did too, Ten stared at Johnny until he lied his head on his chest.

"I'm the one that should be apologising, I'm so fucking stupid of what happened I couldn't tell you sooner and at the party I was too drunk to keep it in me so I confessed but then if I hadn't I would've probably lied and you'll find out like what happened with Taeyong and Jaehyun" Ten looked down and a tear dripped down her eyes and he wiped it but he didn't know somebody had heard the whole thing.

"Do you want the baby" Ten looked up to see Johnny awake and smiled.

"No, I don't know and it's ours so we have to decide together" Ten said and they broke up.

"Well if we had the baby we probably have to stop drinking and actually tidy up our house but if we don't want the kid  we surely have to stop drinking but we get to be closer" Johnny said and smiled at Ten.

"But you're the one who is holding the baby, do you want it" the younger held his stomach and smiled before kissing Johnny, their first ever since the fight.

"I'm not keeping the baby, we have a lot more chances and I don't want it to be born in a bad environment we are in" Ten replied and they hugged.

I woke up a few hours later and saw Johnny and Ten laughing as Ten was sitting on Johnny lap, they saw that I was awake and came to me.

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