Diagon Alley

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When they got to Gringotts he was called up by a Goblin, Hadrian knew what to say as Sal had told him on the way over. "I would like an All for One test, please, sir," he asked the Goblin politely "of course sir, right this way" Hadrian was led to an office, where another Goblin was waiting. Hadrian waited to be asked to sit when he had the Goblin started to speak "I know you are not alone if your friend would kindly join us" the Goblin only raised an eyebrow at the snake that appeared on the table. "Well, shall we begin, your name sir?" asked the Goblin.

"Hadrian Evens or otherwise known as Harry Potter apparently" the boy replied "ok to do the test you need to slice your hand with the ceremonial blade and drop seven drops of blood into the dish. Hadrian nodded picking up the blade and quickly slicing his hand open and squeezing seven drops of blood from his hand when he was done he did not place the blade in the Goblin's outstretched hand and held the blade out for Sal the lick off the blood before handing it back.

The Goblin raised an eyebrow in surprise

"most wizards do not think of us, goblins are a big enough threat to care if we have their blood" the Goblin stated "well I am not so stupid" Hadrian replied. The Goblin picked up the dish the called out a spell in a language he had never heard before then a piece of rolled-up parchment appeared in his hand

Full Name: Harry James Potter

Preferred Name: Hadrian Evens

Father: James Potter

Mother: Lilian Potter nee Evens

Bother: Mathew Charles Potter

Godfathers: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin (werewolf), Severus Snape

Core color: Grey

Bonds: Familiar bond (Sal snake)

Glamour: placed by Albus Dumbledore (broken) (glasses, messy short hair)

Personality spell: placed by Albus Dumbledore (broken)

Vaults: 421 (accessed by Albus Dumbledore Items and money removed)

Properties: Potter: Potter cabin, Evens flat

Heir/lordships: Heir Potter, heir Pervel

End of Parchment

Hadrian stood up his magic lashed out and he stomped around for a few minutes then sat back down and apologized "what can I do about him taking money, items and may I have a copy of this?" The boy asked Goblin asked "well first everything will be returned to your vault, you get a new key. But Albus Dumbledore is to powerful to charge. I'm afraid to inform you and yes you may have a copy" the Goblin said producing a copy and handing it to the boy "ok, well first I think I need a new vault manger, second can I change my name? And third I would like to take some money out, please" Hadrian asked.

"Well, of course your current vault manger is to be fired immediately, you get to chose a new one, yes you can change you name, we can do it right now and after we get you a new vault manger you can go to a vault at take out some money." The Goblin said answering all his questions. "Well how about this you be my vault manger Hadrian asked "well that is doable, let me get the documents, I'll also get the forms for you to change your name." He called out in the unknown language again this time another Goblin run in with the papers placing them on the desk and left. The two filled out the forms Hadrian found the Goblins name was Ironclaw. Ironclaw handed him his new key and they made their way down to a vault.

What Hadrian didn't know is that Hogwarts had just changed his name on her lists too.

Hadrian open the vault and they both stepped inside, the boy picked up a coin and looked at it "can you explain wizarding currency" he asked. Ironclaw explained knuts to gallons and what they were worth in pounds. When Hadrian had a new pouch full of coins they made their way back up into the bank. Ironclaw vowed to keep him informed with monthly bank statements. And the boy and the snake left the bank.

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