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The next week a huge man showed up telling him was a wizard and that he was here to take him to get the school supplies Harry sent the man on his way telling him he already knew and already had got his school supplies the man looked confused but went on his way. Less than a week later Hadrian had gotten up early the usual. The Dursleys were coming home that day and if he was still here when they arrived then he wouldn't be leaving so he packed everything up and left for King's Cross Station. He got there earlier excepted. he was sitting waiting for the train by 9 o'clock

Sal had said platform 9 ¾ but that's ridiculous there is no such platform and he told Sal as much "go to the barrier between platform 9 and 10" Sal hissed tiredly when they got about two meters away from "run into the wall" Sal hissed Hadrian looked at the lump under his shirt where Sal was then run into the wall his muscles tensed up waiting for the impact that never came. When the boy opened his eyes he was looking at an equally empty different platform and the sign clearly said 9 ¾ he made his way to a bathroom and changed into his robes then sat on a nearby seat pulled out a book and waited for the train.

The train pulled up at 10:30 there were a few other students ready to get on but none of them seemed to be in his year, he put his book away and got on board. He had no difficulties finding a carriage. Onyx his raven sat on his shoulder. Hadrian pulled his book out again. It was maybe 25 minutes later when he heard a very loud bunch of redheads make their way through the barrier and say goodbye to their mother and get on the train. The youngest stormed into his carriage and demanded he moved claiming that this carriage was saved for him and his best friend, Harry Potter.

Hadrian laughed at the boy and told him to leave. The boy got red in the face spluttered around then stormed off. The next person to interrupted his book was a girl with bushy hair and bucked teeth when she saw he was reading a book whatever she had originally come to say fell from her lips, "oh, your reading you must let me read it, it's not a textbook I've read all my textbooks" the girl ranted proudly "excuse me, but I don't have to let you read anything, did you came to tell me something important?" Hadrian asked "Yes, a boy name Neville has lost his toad have you seen it? And that bird should be in a cage" she asked quite rudely "no I have not and he is just fine where he is" he said and the girl left.

The third person to interrupt his book was none other than Draco Malfoy "is this seat taken?" he asked with a chuckle Hadrian put his book down "not at all kind sir, please have a seat" he joked. Draco sat down and held his hand out to the raven. Onyx looked at the offered hand and jump onto the arm and settled down there. "What's his name?" Draco asked gently running a finger over the bird's head "Onyx" he replied "I considered getting an owl but I saw him in the window and changed my mind" Hadrian continued.

They were talking about Hogwarts when the redhead boy and the girl with bushy hair came back there were going to say something when the redhead saw Draco "so your friends with a Malfoy, huh, well you shouldn't hang out with him. They the wrong sort. Dark wizards" the redhead said. Draco went to snap a snarky reply when Hadrian stopped him with a hand on his chest Draco looked upset thinking the boy would agree with the redheaded bully "first, you demanded I move carriages, then I hear you bullying other first years and now telling me who's the wrong sort, you know what? I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself now leave the both of you" Hadrian growled.

The two quickly fled, Draco look at him in surprise "why did you do that?" he asked shocked that someone other than his parents or godfathers had stood up for him. "you said were friends right?" Hadrian asked Draco just nodded "well I've never had a friend before but I think that's what friends are supposed to do" he replied. And they both took a book from Hadrian's trunk and read in a comfortable silence stopping every now and then to tell the other something interesting they had read.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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