Why do i hear boss music?

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When Subaru had entered the store he was shocked at what he was seeing there infront of him was a woman with two knifes standing over the blonde girl from before holding the body of an overly large man

???: Damn it what did you do to old man rom?!
???: Oh it looks like we have a visitor
Subaru: Hey who are you and what are you doing?!

The woman slowly turned to address the young man behind her

Elsa: I am Elsa Granhiert "the bowel hunter" and you are?
Subaru: I am Subaru natsuki

Without even a second passing Subaru had dodge out of the way of a knife thrown at him

Elsa: Oh so you dodged my first attack to bad you wont dodge the next

Elsa had rushed towards Subaru going at speeds he couldn't comprehend however whenever a strike was coming his body would nonchalantly dodge out of the way without him even thinking

Subarus mind: *huh it's that strange ability again*

Subaru had then focused on attacking and sent Elsa through a wall with a single punch

(Ultra instinct has a 300000000 multiplier by the way so that would actually happen)

Elsa: I must say I did not expect a white haired brat such as yourself to be so strong
Subarus mind: *white hair what is she talking about I'll check on that later*
Subaru: surrender now you don't stand a chance against me
Elsa: unfortunately I cannot allow any of you to live

Elsa had rushed forward again but this time it was directed towards the blond girl and Subaru was not fast enough (why was he not fast enough? Plot that's why) when suddenly she stopped. You look down to where she stopped and noticed her foot covered in ice

Satella?: it seems I made it in time, you girl run away
???: but old man rom-
Satella?: I can heal him go get help

The girl than ran towards the door

Elsa: oh no you don't

She threw a knife at her but Subaru managed to throw a table in the way of the knife. After some dialogue from Elsa and Subaru they commenced their fight until they heard a voice and the roof was suddenly destroyed

???: that's enough
Elsa: well if it isn't Reinhard "the sword saint"
Rein: Elsa "the bowel hunter"

As the red head said this he jumped down and began his assault on Elsa only blocking and dodging as if waiting for something

Subaru: Reinhard what are you doing attack
Rein: well I don't have a sword and my attack would take all the mana in the area

Subaru looked around the house before spotting satella? Healing rom and realized what that would mean so he waited for Emilia to finish healing rom and when he did he tossed a sword to Reinhard and yelled

Subaru: now do your thing!

Reinhard smiled as his sword began to glow the air getting colder around everyone but Subaru (due to the heat ultra instinct gives off)

Rein: let me show you the sword play of the asters family

As he said this he lifted his sword and swung causing part of the house to collapse with rubble falling onto Elsa

Everyone started to calm down after seeing this

Rein: you did a very good job holding her back uhm
Subaru: Subaru my name is Subaru
Rein: right anyway this girl named felt lead me here she said something about Elsa "the bowel hunter" and a white haired kid duking it out
Subarus mind: *there it is again why is everyone saying I have white hair*

As Subaru was thinking his thoughts were cut short as felt had walked in and gave satella? Back her insignia, but as she does this a look of shock comes over Reinhards face as he knocked felt out and told them that it would be a crime to ignore something as he walked off taking the unconscious bowel hunter with him

Satella: I guess I should thank you for getting back my insignia I didn't know you were so strong
Subaru: don't worry about it anyone would of done that
Satella: I guess I should tell you my real name now

Subaru was taken aback but listened carefully as she said her name

Emilia: my name is Emilia-

Subaru had then felt an absurd amount of pain going through his abdomen pain he has never felt before as he fell unconscious (physical toll of ultra instinct)

Aight that's the end sorry it was so short see you tomorrow maybe or not comment if you want Subaru to have ki not god ki just normal ki

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