The blooming of something other than friendship

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(Yes this one is dedicated to my ship)

We start at the scene of Subaru having his measurements taken
"Could you stop making weird noises, guest-sama?" Asked the oni maid
"I can't help myself! How else can a man react with a girl touching him?" He complained
"Only an ultimate pervert would be aroused by something like that, guest-sama" she responds with wit

Subaru proceeds to shut up and have the rest of his measurements taken

We continue to the scene of ram touring Subaru around the mansion showing him various rooms one of which housed a certain drill loli cuddling a certain cat spirit which then proceeded to have herself embarrassed as Subaru dodged all of her magic

"how do you keep doing that I suppose!?"

Subaru responds whilst doing a cringe pose
"I don't even know!"
Subaru proceeds to hit the griddy-

(I don't think so)

Subaru proceeds to mock her and call her a loli before closing the door

(That's more like it)

"How are you able to keep up with ms. Beatrice's attacks, Barusu?" Ram has a confused look on her face
"Huh? Oh about that even I don't know hehe~" he scratches the back of his head causing ram to narrow her eyes

"Useless barusu, you don't even know your own power" said the pink haired oni
"Atleast I have power" he says in response to which she gets red in the face and continues the tour


"Well that's the end of the tour, now go to sleep useless barusu" said ram before stomping off to her room

"Jeez, overreacting much?" He thought to himself before stepping into his room


Subaru gets up and gets dressed in his new uniform that rem had delivered to him last night and reports to ram for his upcoming duties

"Good morning ram-onee-sama!"
He yells while barging into the kitchen looking for her
"It's about time you woke up, lazy barusu" she responds with a slight scowl

"Ram-onee-sama, you must be a freak of nature to get up earlier than... what 5 o clock?"
He responds wittily
Ram gets red in the face once again at his sarcastic retort but gets confused as he mentions the time
"5 o clock? Don't tell me barusu is so incompetent he doesn't know how to read the time"
She says with a smug grin on her face

Ram: 1
Subaru: 0

They get to doing the mansions house work at which Subaru is completely terrible at with ram taking every chance to scold him for his failures at which Subaru tried to retort but gets shut down. Rem looks on from a distance at their playful bantering and narrows her eyes

The end of the day approaches as they finish their house work, ram and Subaru going to his room to study the language

"Wow barusu, your reading level is worse than that of a kindergartener, go die" she criticized with vigor
"Hey I'm not used to speaking in this language, I only know another one" he responds in kind
"You mean those scratches you made?" She says "you must be a total idiot barusu, first you don't know the language and now you make up another one to impress me? What a loser but I can see why you would try to charm ram"

"Hey I wasn't trying to charm you! My heart is for Emilia only!" He said with vigor

"So how is your studying going barusu?"
"It's going ok not as fast as I want but I can atleast read children's stories and fairytales, maybe I should import some you know? From my home country? Like 'the red ogre who cried"

Rams curiosity is piqued at this as Subaru takes notice

"Intrigued are we? Well I can tell you about it"

"Once upon a time, there lived
a red ogre and a blue ogre. The two were the best of
friends, just inseparable. One day, the red ogre
wanted to be friends with the people of
the nearby village. He approached, but the
people were too scared to get close to him. The blue ogre couldn't bear
to watch this happen, so he devised a plan
to help his friend. I'll make a ruckus in the
village and frighten everyone. When I do, you come and stop me. After that, the villagers
will be sure to trust you. The plan worked,
and just as predicted, the red ogre befriended
the humans. But as time passed, something
he noticed began to worry him. His friend, the blue ogre,
no longer stopped by to visit. One day, the red ogre decided
to go to the blue ogre's house. The place looked abandoned. The shades were drawn
in the windows, and the door was
shut and locked. There was a letter attached
to the door that said, 'Red Ogre, please have fun with your new human
friends and companions. If I continue to
hang around you, I'm afraid they might think
you're a bad ogre, too, and end the friendship
you sought from them. Thus, I've decided
to go on a journey. I'm not sure if I'll return,
but I will never forget you. Goodbye. Please take
care of yourself. Your friend now and
forever... Blue Ogre. The red ogre read the letter
in silence, over and over. He began to cry. And the
tears welled up in his eyes. That's the end."

"That's a sad story"
"Yea it is..."
"Do me a favor and don't tell this story to rem... I don't think she would like it very much..."

The tone in the room is quite sad now but Subaru decides to break the silence with a quip

"Wow I didn't know ram was a fan of sob stories"
"S-shut up stupid barusu..."

'Eh? Nani? Did she just stutter? Ram? She stuttered? But that's so... uncharacteristic of her'

The silence continues before ram quietly gets up to leave

"Hey ram... have a goodnight ok?"

"I don't need you to tell me that, useless barusu..."
She said quickly before rushing out the door

Unknown to both of them her face was red and her heart beating just a tad bit faster...

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