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five years later

Catherine walked down the stairs of Basilwether Hall, little Grace in her arms as she went. Her and Tewksbury's one year old daughter was the spitting image of herself, while their three year old son, looked exactly like Tewksbury.

"There's my two favorite girls, are you ready?" Tewksbury asked, as Catherine reached the button of the stairs.

"Of course," Catherine responded, smiling as her husband leaned down to kiss her gently, before turning his attention to their daughter.

"And what about you Gracie? Are you ready to go see Auntie Enola? Yeah? Are you ready?" Tewksbury asked, as he took their daughter from Catherine's arms.

Catherine watched her husband in adoration as he continued talking to their daughter, bouncing her up and down.

"Charles!" She called, when she realized that their toddler was not standing in the hall with them.

"Coming mama!" The little boy soon emerged, running out from the nearest parlor, looking rather dashing in his small suit. Catherine knelt as her son ran towards her, scooping him up as he reached her.

"Well, aren't you the most handsome boy," Catherine told her son, adjusting the vest he was wearing.

"Thank you mama," Charles said, puffing out his chest, an adorable smile on his face.

"Alright, now we really must leave," Catherine announced, locking eyes with her husband, who nodded.

"The carriage is ready when you are, my love," Tewksbury told her. Catherine nodded, and made sure she had her little bag with her, before setting Charles down.

"Come on then. We mustn't keep my cousin waiting." The two guards held the doors open, as Tewksbury held his arm out to his wife. Catherine took it, her other hand holding Charles' hand, while Tewksbury had Grace held in his other arm.

Their perfect little family, and with another little one on the way. Catherine had only found out a few days prior, and she had yet to tell Tewksbury. Although, she did intend to do it when they returned to Basilwether later in the evening.

For now, it was off to see Enola.


Enola was the best aunt in all of England. She spoiled Catherine's kids to the point where it may become an issue. The only person that outdid her was Sherlock.

The two siblings constantly were competing to see who could get the children the best gifts. It was an entertaining thing to witness. A few months prior, when Catherine and Tewksbury had come to visit with the kids, Sherlock and Enola had practically fallen over each other to open the door first.

Sherlock had locked Enola in a closet to ensure that the kids received his gifts first, while Enola had handcuffed Sherlock to a chair so that she would be the one to say goodbye to the children last. Catherine assumed that they thought whoever was seen last, was remembered the most, and Catherine would let them carry on believing that. In reality, they remembered both of her cousins just the same.

Grace was barely old enough to even remember them at all, and Charles loved them both equally.

Catherine grinned as she watched Sherlock bounce Charles on his knee, as Enola read a book to Grace.

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