Part Two

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It took Tom about thirty seconds to regain his composure. He wasn't used to the feeling of helplessness he felt when she looked at him. Tom was usually full of confidence, a bit of swagger, and an abundance of sarcastic comments. Instead, he found himself tongue-tied.

"Announcing her Highness, Princess Eveline of House Mattingly."


The next few hours were a blur. Tom barely had time to process what was happening as he was bombarded by various members of the aristocracy, photographers, and constant nudges from his sister to smile. It was all he could do to hold his tongue and stay polite.

Eveline seemed like she was suffering just as much as him. The poor girl had been trapped in a conversation with some of the ladies from court since they left the throne room. She somehow managed to keep smiling despite a very familiar look in her eyes that screamed desperation.

It wasn't until dinner that Tom finally got a moment to himself. For some stupid reason, all the ladies had to change before the meal and Tom took those few precious minutes to find a quiet corner.

The castle of the Bennett family had remained unchanged for the past few decades which meant that Tom and Lois knew all the best hiding spots. Ever since they were kids, the Bennett children had made a sport out of avoiding their parents and the various servants tasked with babysitting them. Tom's favorite hiding spot was a tiny hidden room (more like a crevice) tucked behind a tapestry between the kitchen and the dining hall. Even after twenty years, no one had managed to find it (or him).

Tom quickly broke off from his family and ducked down the corridor. Once he was hidden, he pulled a cigarette and his lighter from his pocket. Dangling the lit cigarette between his lips, he took a deep inhale and let out a sigh.

"I heard that if the prince doesn't marry that girl, her father will start a war."

"Really? Does he know?"

"No. Poor lad has no idea that his marriage is a weak attempt at peace. Poor King Douglas is too soft for war."

Tom took a peek into the corridor. Two maids, both of them unfamiliar to him, were standing in front of the tapestry, silverware and napkins in their arms.

"I've heard that she's a brat." The shorter maid let out the ugliest giggle Tom had ever heard. "Perhaps she's perfect for him."

"Now that's too bold." The older maid shook her head. "Careful, or that mouth of yours will get us sacked." With a soft chuckle, the two women moved past him.

Tom took another long drag of his cigarette, his hand shaking. As angry and confused as it made him, he wasn't surprised to hear what the maids had to say. His father was a notoriously peaceful man due to some severe shell shock from a war long before Tom was born. Some people might even think that he was too peaceful. King Douglas was known for avoiding conflict at any cost.

Apparently, that meant marrying his son and heir off to the enemy.

Tom knew that his father would do what he thought was best, especially when it came to his children. An arranged marriage with Eveline made sense, it was what his father thought was best. Unfortunately, he had a nasty habit of never asking his kids what they thought.

Tom stayed in the secret room for a few more minutes, smoking and processing everything he'd heard. He knew he'd hear about the smoke smell from Lois later, but he didn't care. He wasn't sure he'd survive the night without it.


Lois grabbed his arm as he rounded the corner and Tom let out a groan. "Please leave me alone."

She let go of his arm but stayed close to his side as they made their way to the dining hall. "What are you doing?"

"None of your business, is it?" He snapped. "I'm not snoopin' around and asking you questions, am I?"

"Hiding is for children, you've got somewhere to be." Lois grabbed his arm again and practically dragged him into the dining hall.

His father was already inside and deep in a conversation with Eveline's father. Both men seemed extremely tense, which made sense; the marriage was a half-assed attempt to avoid war. Eveline was speaking to her mother, her hands playing with the flower decals on her skirt. As unhappy as the marriage made him, Tom was glad that she was beautiful. Eveline had changed into a different tulle dress, the same light blue as her previous gown. It must have been one of their house colors as her mother was dressed in the same shade. He didn't realize he was staring until she glanced up and their eyes met. She fixed him with an unreadable look and walked over to him.

"Your Highness," she greeted him, dropping into a curtsy. "How are you this evening?"

"How do you think I'm doing?" Tom grumbled. "Are you not filled with joy at our wedding, dear fiancee?"

"I'm happy to do whatever is needed for my kingdom," Eveline replied, a small smirk on her lips. "Are you not happy?"

Tom laughed harshly. "Don't be stupid. We're only getting married because my lord father doesn't want to go to war. This is a peace treaty, nothing more."

To his surprise, the only thing Eveline did was shrug. "We don't have to like each other, husband. We just have to do what's expected of us and not kill each other." She gave him a smile. "And call me Eve, by the way. I don't like Eveline."

Tom could barely keep himself from following her just to continue arguing. There was something about her that infuriated him. It was in the way she seemed so timid until he spoke to her. There was fire behind her, a hidden wit that was enough to match his own.

Dinner was going to be long. 

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