Part Three

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Tom was right when he said that dinner would be long. He sat next to Eve, who didn't speak to him for the entire meal. Lois and Douglas made polite conversation with Eve's parents, who looked just as uncomfortable as Tom felt. Everyone looked uncomfortable, even the servants.

"Tom, have you thought about what you're going to do before you get the throne?" Eve's mother, Catherine, snapped Tom out of his thoughts. "Will you be going into the military?"

Tom opened his mouth to speak, but his father cut him off. "No, he isn't. There's no need for the prince to be active with our military."

"Actually," Tom sent a glare toward his father, "I have thought about it. The Navy doesn't sound too bad. It's not like they'll actually put me on the front lines." He let out a bitter chuckle. "I'll be a conscientious objector."

Lois sighed. "Yes, because you're so peaceful."

"C'mon, they'd never have me fight." Tom sneered. "Besides, there hasn't been a war in over twenty years."

"Yes and thank goodness for that." Catherine piped up, desperate to change the subject. "And hopefully this union will keep the relationship between our kingdoms peaceful and happy."

"Darling." Eve's father, Richard, shot a glare at his wife, who turned her attention to her plate. Tom took a sip of his wine, his eyebrows furrowed.

Dad has no idea.

He glanced over at Lois, who looked confused. The servants in the corridor must've heard whispers from other servants who came with Eve and her family. That's the only way they could've known before his father did. He snuck a look at Eve, but she was surprisingly unreadable.

"So, Tom," Catherine spoke again. She was obviously the peacemaker of the group, seemingly uncomfortable with the awkward silence. "What will you do if not join the military?"

"He'll learn from me," Douglas spoke before Tom could answer. "He's still got a lot to learn before I hand him the crown."

"Thanks," Tom muttered. He took a few more stabs at his food, the meal no longer appealing to him. He looked over at Eve again who had a small smirk on her lips.

Fuck this.

Tom shot to his feet, his chair falling to the ground with a thud. He snatched his cup of wine off the table, saluted his dad, and stalked out of the room. Tom was sick and tired of his father acting like he wasn't good enough, like he was still a child. Dammit, he was even the oldest sibling!

The rest of the night was a blur of alcohol and bad decisions. Pub after pub, Tom did his best to anger as many people as possible. By the time he made it to his third pub and his tenth drink, Tom was sporting a black eye, a split lip, and various bruises on his jawline.

"C'mon then!" Tom shouted, shoving a particularly drunk man out of his face. "Take a swing, c'mon!"

The man swung his fist, catching Tom in the cheek. He caught himself on the counter with both hands, spitting out a laugh. This angered the man, who sunk his next punch into Tom's stomach.

"HEY!" A loud shout turned the man's attention to a cloaked figure who suddenly appeared at Tom's side. "Fuck off 'im."

"Keep talking and you'll be next." The man got up in the stranger's face, fist at the ready.

Much to everyone's surprise, the stranger had a mean right hook and the man hit the ground with a groan. Tom stood, stunned. "You know, I had that."

The figure turned and removed its hood. "Sure you did."


His betrothed stood before him, dressed in a simple green dress and black cloak. Her hair fell freely around her face, which was clean of makeup. She blended in perfectly, down to the dirt on her hands. Somehow, she still looked infuriatingly beautiful.

"I think you should come with me." She whispered. Before Tom could answer, Eve had his arm and pulled him outside.

"Fuck off." Tom slurred, ripping his arm from her grasp the moment they hit the street. Eve wasn't phased, instead crossing her arms and taking a step back. "I don' need yous to help me."

"That's not what it looked like back there."

"Fuck you."

Suddenly, Eve grabbed him by the ear and pulled him close to her. "Listen, asshole." She hissed. "We're getting married in two days, a decision I'm not happy about either. What I can't have is my husband making a fool of himself and getting beaten to death." Eve put her mouth against Tom's cheek, close so he could hear her. "Pull yourself together, or I'll do it for you."

All Tom could do was nod. Eve gave a noise of approval and let go. "Come, dear husband. Best get you back to the castle."

Tom followed Eve back home, walking as slowly as he could. She seemed at home in the village, smiling and greeting people as she went. She even stopped to give a toy back to a little girl. Tom could barely contain his disgust. Eve was just like a princess from his sister's fairytales. She was so sickly sweet to everyone and they all bought her act.

Once the gates were in view, Eve paused. She turned back to Tom, a guilty look on her face. "So... I don't know how to make it back in without being seen."

"Mmm, not so confident now." Tom grinned and pushed forward. "The trick is you don't sneak." Waving his arms above his head, he caught the attention of the guards. "OI!"

"Out again, Your Highness?"

"Yeah, lemme in."

The guards pushed the gates open and Tom turned to Eve, a smug look on his face. "I'm the bloody prince, I can go wherever I want." Eve rolled her eyes and went inside. Tom stared after her a moment before he followed.

God, she was insufferable. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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