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(Rick's POV)

Logan would not stop screaming. The minute Elly left for school, he had started the waterworks and screamed bloody murder. I just held him at arms length, unsure of what to do.

Jerry poked his head in from the kitchen. "You sure you don't need some help, Rick?"

As much as I hated to accept help from him, I groaned and gave a nod. Jerry shrugged and smiled. "Try holding him to your chest, first off. And calm down a little, okay?"

I looked at the little boy in my arms and slowly brought him to my chest. Logan threw his little arms around my neck and buried his head into my shirt, still sniffling. I sat down on the couch and ran a hand up and down his back.

"I-It's okay, kiddo; I'm here," I muttered, feeling a little self-conscious that Jerry was watching.

Jerry walked upstairs, leaving Logan and I alone. I continued rubbing the kid's back until his crying reduced to small hiccups.

I sighed, running a hand through his hair. It was short and brown with blond tips. Since Elly had brown hair, I could only guess that the blond hair was from his dad. My thoughts were interrupted when I realized the kid was looking at me. I checked my watch: 11:55.

I adjusted Logan in my arms so that I could carry him.

"You hungry?" I asked, smirking a little when the boy nodded. I got to my feet and walked into the kitchen. As I surveyed the pantry, I noticed Logan sucking on his fist. "How old are ya, kid?"

The boy gave a toothy grin as he held up two fingers. "This many!"

I chuckled. "You like mac 'n' cheese?" I asked. My response was a confused head tilt. "Guess you don't have that in your home dimension, huh?"

"What's a de-men-sion?" he asked, trying to sound out the word.

"Kind of like another part of the universe, bud," I answered as I set the toddler in his booster seat and buckled him in. The microwave beeped, signaling that the food was ready.

The moment I turned back to face the kid, all I saw was an empty seat. A small giggle sounded from under the table. I crouched down to see Logan on his stomach, kicking his little feet and giggling when he spotted me.

"What're you doing?" I snarked.

"Playin' Hide an' Seek!" he squeaked out, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Uh huh," I muttered. "How's about you eat first?"

Once Logan had finished eating, I could tell he was struggling to keep his eyes open. He was constantly yawning and rubbing his eyes with a tiny fist.

I smirked, unclipping the straps on the booster seat. "You ready for a nap, little buddy?" I joked, lifting him up and letting him rest his head on my shoulder.

Logan's lip quivered. "But I'm a big boy!" he whined, kicking his little legs in sleepy frustration. "I don't need ta sleep!"

"Kid, you're two years old," I retorted, laying the boy down on the couch despite his sleepy protests. I propped his head up with a pillow before gently tucking a blanket around him. As I pulled the blanket up to his chin, the kid's eyes were halfway closed, yet he still had his lips in a pout.

"Fluffy," he yawned, opening and closing his little fist. I looked to my right and handed Logan the small, blue blanket that was there. He immediately cuddled into it and fell asleep.

A small smile found its way onto my lips as I watched Logan's tiny chest rise and fall. It's been so long since I'd taken care of a kid, let alone someone outside of the family.

I leaned back into the couch and let myself get lost in my thoughts....

Flashback (Rick's POV)

"We will make our stand at Blood Ridge," Birdperson explained, pointing to a spot on a virtual map.

I scoffed, running a hand through my hair. "Is this the rest of the Resistance Fighters? Yeah, real nice; we'll get our butts kicked."

"We actually have someone who knows more about the Galactic Federation than any of us," BP said, gesturing to a small, hooded figure.

The figure removed its hood, revealing its face. It was a young brunette with green streaks in her hair. She had a serious expression bringing her face down, arms crossed and everything.

"Alright, ladies, listen up!" she yelled. "The Galactic Feds have a weak spot, right here," she explained. She zoomed in to show Blood Ridge's battlefield and tapped her finger on a small hill. "That hill is always guarded by the least amount of soldiers as to not arouse suspicion, and for a good reason, too. Rumor has it that-"

"Woah!" a small voice exclaimed, causing everyone's head to turn to see a little girl, looking through the ammunition and guns I'd brought with wide eyes. "This tech is awesome! Check out the attention to detail!"

I snickered. That kid has good taste. 

 "El!" the green-haired chick snapped. "I told you to stay in the ship!"

El shrugged. "First off, you left the keys in the ignition, and secondly, you really shouldn't go to fight at Blood Ridge without a weapon," she retorted, tossing the other girl a sci-fi laser gun. "Didn't Mom teach ya anything?"

BP cleared his throat. "Emily, who is this?"

Emily groaned, running a hand down her face. "Guys, this is my little sister, Eloise," she muttered. "She's kind of a tech nerd."

"Am not!" 

"Sis, you literally just repaired my laser rifle with nothing but a screwdriver! And I'd like to see you sit still for two seconds without drooling over the sci-fi tech!" Emily rebutted, her hands on her hips.

Eloise rolled her eyes and leaned against the wall as her sister continued her explanation about Blood Ridge. I was only half-listening as I watched Eloise twiddle her thumbs. There was something about her...

Before we went off to Blood Ridge, I saw Eloise take her older sister aside. 

"Come back safe, okay?" 

Emily knelt down to her little sister. "I will, Elly; I promise."

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