Chapter 1

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 Conservative was always teased by Homo-nationalist for being 'fruity'. Whatever that means. He surely didn't know what it meant. He was just a very clean man. He just knew how to appreciate the beauty that God gave other men. Right? He wasn't one of those gay people. That would be sinful. He just knew Socialist was one of God's best works. 

 Who was he kidding? He was a filthy sinner. He knew it. He felt so guilty. It was against everything he believed to be gay so why must God make him this way? The way he felt when he saw Socialist was undoubtedly love. Speaking of the devil, he got a call from the red man.

"Hey Connie! I've missed you! Do you want to come to my place for a bit? It's been a while since you joined those fascists!" Socialist said cheerfully. The red man's voice always comforted him. It was a nice warm voice. He could hear him grin over the phone."Oh hi Soc! I'd love to! I've been meaning to talk to you about some.. things" His voice trailed off, he was not looking forward to this conversation. "Oh what sorta things?" He asked. "Something important.. I'll er.. I'll tell you in person. What time should I be there?" He stumbled over his words. He was normally a confident man but Socialist just did something to him. He couldn't think straight. The two talked out a time. Just enough time for Conservative to get done cleaning, to get dressed, and try to get his mind right.

  "God why do I feel like this? Are you testing me? I'm not meant to feel like this. This is sinful, right? Please God, give me answers. Please God free me from the urges or give me closure on why you choose for me to feel this way. Amen" He prayed to himself quietly before he left the house. On the way there, he listened to gospel songs. He felt a pit in his stomach. He didn't feel right. Nothing about this feeling felt morally okay. He took a breath and turned off the radio, leaving himself alone with his thoughts. How would he tell Socialist? Would this affect their relationship? He knew he had to tell him. It had been years. He couldn't keep hiding this from him. He clutched his cross necklace as he parked the car in front of Socialist's house. He stepped out of the car.

 The man dressed in red opened the front door and stepped outside to greet him. His warm smile always brightened up his day. Today was no different. It calmed his nerves. 'Good Lord he's gorgeous' he thought to himself guiltily. He gave a weak smile back and walked towards him. "Connie! hi!" Socialist stepped towards the blue man. "Hey Socialist" He gave a smile and gulped. He was not ready for this conversation. 

 Socialist invited the blue man inside and he took a seat on his couch and took off his shoes as a courtesy. He sat next to him and looked into his blue eyes. Conservative avoided eye contact as much as possible. "So what's up Con? I just invited you over to catch up but you seem pretty stressed about something." He asked innocently. "I am a bit.. stressed about something." He muttered, not wanting to admit it. "So what's wrong?" 

 Conservative took a breath and paused to think of his word choice. 

 "I'm gay."

Socialist took a moment to register what was just said.

"I'm gay.. for you, Socialist. This is against everything I believe but you deserve to know. I'm deeply in love with you Socialist and I can't keep hiding this from you."

 Socialist looked at the man blankly, not sure of how to respond. A moment of silence filled the room. Both men sitting silently. 

 Then Socialist spoke "I feel the same about you. I'm glad you said something because I would not have been able to tell you." Conservative looked up into the man's redish eyes. "I er.. feel really guilty about this. You know it's against my religion and all. I just can't hold back anymore. I've fought it for as long as we've known each other." Socialist scooted closer to the man and put a hand on his shoulder. "Connie, you don't have to feel guilty about love."

 Conservative shuddered at the touch. "But the bible says to repent-" He was cut off by Socialist. "Connie, I don't know much about religion but trust me, There's nothing sinful about loving someone." Conservative looked down and started to tear up. "I love you Socialist." Socialist pulled him closer and gave him a hug. "I love you too Conservative."

Author's note: 
I was helped by a fictive of Conservative to write this so yeah afjfvkrnkfvkndfjv I am definitely continuing this with the line "I'd spend an eternity burning in hell for a lifetime with you" 

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