Chapter 2

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It had been a a week or two since Conservative had confessed
They'd spend all day and night texting each other or calling each other. Conservative would always text Socialist very extra, romantic things. He still felt a guilt in his stomach every time he would think of him in any kind of romantic light. God forbid a perverted way. His thoughts and feelings conflicted. Was this man worth burning for? Was this truly sinful? He grabbed his bible off of his night stand and turned to Leviticus.

"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination."

Why? He had never questioned his beliefs beforehand. His parents were strict Christians. He was taught to never question the lord. Why would God make him feel this way? Why does this feel so wrong but so right? He felt like some kind of abomination; some kind of freak of nature God had abandoned.

He bowed his head and began to pray. "Dear lord, why must you make me feel this way? Why must I lust for his touch? Please forgive me for this lust. Please give me answers of why I must feel this way. Dear Heavenly father, please give me knowledge. Amen" He finished and hear a knock at his bedroom door. "Connie?" a familiar voice called out for him. Why is Socialist here? Who even let him in?

He sat his bible down on his nightstand and went to open the door. "Hi Socialist" He answered with a slight smile. "Connie! hi! I came to surprise you" The man in red smiled and adjusted the rose that was almost always in his hair. "I'm glad you did!" The man in blue stepped back to let the rosy man into his room.

"So who exactly let you in? The others don't typically let non-fascists into the house." Conservative questioned. "Oh! Homonationalist let me inside. Once I said I was here to see you he winked at me for some reason and showed me to your room." He said in a confused tone. "Ah that makes sense. Homonationalist is a strange man."

"So what have you been up to today?" Socialist asked. "Just doing my usual things. Reading the bible, praying to the good lord, tidying up my room, thinking about you" He looked up at him and smiled. "Awh you think of me Connie?" "Of course I think about my.. boyfriend" That word still felt weird coming from his mouth. Socialist took a seat on the bed, followed by Conservative. Socialist put his hand over Conservative's and he flinched at the touch. He calmed down and smiled softly at the man. "Is this okay? For me to hold your hand?" Socialist asked. Conservative gave a nod and a quiet "yes" He looked down at his feet. He felt like a child with their first crush. He felt butterflies in his stomach. Socialist rested his head on Con's shoulder. Conservative flinched and slowly melted into the touch.

"Did you just come to my house and into my room to.. touch and cuddle me or?" Conservative questioned. "Oh i just came to hang out with my boyfriend. I missed you. Would you like to do anything? Maybe watch a movie? make some stuff in the kitchen? Anything you want really" Soc said with a smile. "We can er.. watch a movie in my room. I don't want to bother the others." "Alright! What should we watch?"

Conservative got up and went to the other room to get some DVDs, asking Socialist to stay in his room. He came back with a handful of random christian or rated G movies. They picked one together and put it on. They both got comfortable in his bed. This was the most intimate he had ever gotten in his entire life. He felt so wrong. He felt like a kid breaking the rules and sneaking out with their first boyfriend. Socialist laid his head on Conservative's shoulder and held his arm. Conservative couldn't focus on anything but Socialist.

He looked at the man and contemplated for a moment. Socialist looked up at him. He kissed the man's forehead and then looked away. His face so flushed it almost overpowered his blue aura. Socialist smiled up at him and put his hand on Conservative's cheek, gently pulling him towards himself. He gave him a slow kiss. Conservative flinched at first and then slowly melted into the kiss. He put his arms around the red man and held him closer. Eventually they pulled away and they smiled at each other. "I love you Connie" "I love you more Soc "

Author's Note: I love my boyfriend so much -Con

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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